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I <br />IMportant estions that Might U'omc UP: <br />1. Will there be any exceptions? <br />IV <br />Answer: Yes. The ordinance will not apply toO <br />Conduct solely between an underage person and his/her parents in the <br />parent's houseliold; <br />Legally protected religious observances; <br />Facilities otherwise licensed ('are, liquor stores, etc.( <br />Situations where underage persons are lawfully in possession of alcohol <br />during the course of their employment. <br />2. As a parent, can I be held responsible if I am away for the weekend any my kids have a <br />party at my home or if a young person sneaks beer out of my refrigerator even while I a' <br />home? <br />Answer-, No. Parents will not be criminally responsible if they did not know about the <br />party. If the parents knew about the party or gathering, knew that underage <br />dn"nking was going to occur and did nothing to prevent it, they will be cri'minally <br />responsible, A parent Is not criminally responsible if a youth. sneaks alcohol that is <br />available for adults at a event or gathering unless the adult has indicated that it <br />was OK for the underage person to do so,. <br />Financial Ramifications: <br />None anticipated <br />0 <br />Recommendatilon. <br />Councilmlember Punt recommends that the Council discuss enactment of a social host ordinance <br />patterned after those enacted in other communities, copies o (which are attached. <br />Prepared by: Counc flnilember Pust <br />