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<br />(e) Even though giving or turnistling alcohol to an underage person
<br />is a crime it is difficult to prove, and an ordinance is necessary
<br />to help: further combat underage consumption.
<br />(f) A deterrent effect will be created by holding a person criminally
<br />responsible for hosting an event or, gathering where underage
<br />possession or consumption occurs.
<br />Subdi. 1. Authority. This ordinance 'is enacted pursuant to Minn. Stat. §145A.05.
<br />I
<br />Sub d. I DeAnitions. For the purpose of this ordinance, the following terms, as
<br />used 'in this section,, shall have the meanings stated:
<br />(a) Alcohol, "Alcohol" means ethyl alcohol, hydrated oxide of
<br />ethyl, or spirits of wine, whiskey, rum, brandy, gin, or any other
<br />distilled spirits 'Including dilutions and mixtures thereof from
<br />whatever source or by whatever process produced.
<br />(b) Alcoholic be rag . "Alcoholic beverage" means alcohol,
<br />s, " its I and every liquid or solid containing
<br />Piri , liquor, w'ne, beer,,
<br />alcohol, spirits, wine, or beer, and which contains one-half of one
<br />percent or more of alcohol by volume and which is fit for
<br />beverage purposes either alone or when diluted, mixed, or
<br />combined with other substances.
<br />(c) Event Ior,...g apt hen* n ri, "Event or gathering"' means any group of
<br />three or more persons who have, assembled or gathered together
<br />for a social occasion or other activity,
<br />"Host" means to aid, conduct, allow, entert Ip
<br />(d) Host, I ain, organize,
<br />supervise, control, or permit a gathering or event.
<br />(e) Parent. "Parenf means any person having legal custody of a
<br />juvenile:
<br />(1) As natural, adoptive parent, or step-parent*'
<br />(2) As a legal guardian'; or
<br />(3) As a person to whom legal custody has been given by
<br />order of the court.
<br />(f) Person. "Person" means any 'individual, partnership, Co-
<br />partnership, corporation, or any association of one or more
<br />individuals.
<br />(g) Residence .or Premises. "Residence" or "premises" means any
<br />home, yard, farm, field, land, apartment, condominium, hotel or
<br />motel room, or -other dwelling unit, or a, hall or meeting room.,
<br />park, or any other place of assembly, public or private, whether
<br />occupied on a temporary or permanent basis, whether occupied
<br />as a dwelling or specifically for a party or other social function,
<br />and whether owned,' leased, rented, or used with or without
<br />permission or compensation.
<br />(h) Underage.Person., "Underage persoW' is any individual under
<br />twenty-one (2 1) years of age.
<br />