(4) Alcbhol, "Alc6hbl" means ethyl alcohol, �ydrpted . oxide of.e(hyl, or.
<br />spirits of Wine, Whiskey, rum, bandy; gain, dr any other distille` d tpEn'tS
<br />MWading d'"114ti6ft and(Mixture's theroof from whcitover sou.rce or by
<br />whi3t 'rdd6t8� P-t6dUded.
<br />qv�r p I
<br />(b) A166hoffc, beverage. 'A-10holic bever, tqie'rh-eeihs picohot,'Spirito.,
<br />I i 6 quor� w0ht�, bei�r, and every liquid ors"'o'I'midc6ntain"Ing alcohol, Sp , Wits,
<br />wire, 6r,boer, and Whith 00tains 6he,;-hdlf of dne p'ercent'Or more of
<br />Wwhol by vblume „'hd Which is fit fb r" b, avefage 'purposes either" 61 he
<br />ot when dllutod, M�6d, or coMbined,with 6th6r Isubstarilces,
<br />(6) E�vent of gaiher'ing#".""EV6ht or gatherffig" m" iaoh's aby g(roup of three or
<br />more person S" Who 'have asterhbled or gathered tog6their fdr a social
<br />oacasidh or other abtivily.
<br />(d) Host; "Host" means to aid, c6nduct,, allow�, entertefln, organize,
<br />suplervisel 'control, 6t permit a g�inering or event.
<br />(o) Parer t., "Parohf moans any person haviftg liogal custody of a J re il6:
<br />(1) A§ niatural� adogtiVib paren't, or" st6o-pa tent;
<br />1(2)
<br />As a 10al guard ian* or
<br />(3) As a Pdrson to w6oM'llegall custody has beet! givori by
<br />oed&-O'-f th-e court,
<br />M Person. "Pecs on`m-6a'ns any indiVidu'al, paftnership, co-partnership,
<br />cdrpordt 4 ion, or any'associatioh of obia or' m—or,eindividu6is.
<br />(g) Resid'once of Pfemi�es. "Residende" or "'Premises" Means an o'Me,,
<br />yard, farm, fd , laild, apartment, 'pan darninium, hot6l or motel foom,
<br />or other dwelling phit, or a hall or meting rpotfi, Parki or any other
<br />place of assethbly, public or prilvate, wheithor ot:CUPied on a"'temporary
<br />& perrharient basis.,W46the'r oc6upield as a dwelling oe �p6cifical cant,
<br />a party & other sodia l too on, and Whether owned, . leased, r4nfed, br
<br />uti6d With Ot Perthission or cornpiehs;06h.
<br />(h) Underage Pe-rso h. "Underage persoho''Is any individual under twonty.
<br />one (21) ye"ars bf ag'e.
<br />SUM* 14, Pr hl i od Acft.
<br />: ny n
<br />persio(s) to-
<br />(a) it is unlaWful for a
<br />i
<br />(11) hott or allow, art event or gathering;
<br />(2) at any preside nce, pteMisa�, or on �'Oy other Orr ate or public prop&ty.
<br />(3) where alodhol or alcoho lic b� veraqes ate Oreseft
<br />(4) When the Oe(�On knows Ot rezisorlably thioUld kfiow that an uhder�0�5
<br />Pers6n wit ll or ddes
<br />(1) consume aftyAlcohol or alcOhofic buret age- or
<br />(iii) possits any aledhOl or 61c h tic bevetage with the intent to
<br />coht=6 it; and
<br />the p(ersbh fails to take riaasorlable sty tb prevent po�*688ion or
<br />consuftp'tdion by tho under6ge pergon(s),
<br />