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12/27/2011 4:16:04 PM
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1 doggie day care times, with pet care specialists on-site 24/7, a Veterinarian on call, and climate controlled <br />2 conditions. <br />3 Mr. Creasy addressed access to the building for staff yin overnight lock-in conditions, cleaning crews, and <br />4 preparation areas for next-day meals and staff break areas. <br />5 Ms. Lansing addressed on-site and off-site impacts on neighbors, and reviewed the con ' struction, and <br />6 additional in-store construction amenities, including air pockets and compartmentalization to decrease <br />7 Inorse in areas, 'in addition to pet stress levels; odors handled through enhanced H systems air <br />18 exchanges. Ms. Lansing reviewed pet waste handling on site. Ms. Lansing also addressed concerns <br />19 raiseld regarding Inolse 'issues bordering on residential properties adjacent to the site, with previous <br />10 studies done indicating only barely audible noise outside the 50' perimeter. <br />Mr. Paschke clarified that, due to the location of thie'Williams Pipeline In the backyards of those adjacent <br />residential homes, the separation from the retail building to, the residences was 200 feet, 'in addition to the <br />location of a substantial sound wall, due to the existing location of a truck lane for delivery to all uses on <br />14 the site. a <br />15 <br />16 <br />117 <br />18 <br />19 <br />20 <br />21 <br />22 <br />23 <br />214 <br />25 <br />26 <br />27 <br />28 <br />29 <br />30 <br />31 <br />Discussion between the applicant and Commissioners 'Included the nature o f and any impacts to traffic <br />other than existing tenants currently create; growing demand of this type of service, even though new to <br />the Twin Cities area, concern of the applicant that this be a pleasant, safe, attractive and healthy place, <br />and their desire to protect the health and safety animals of the pets, standards adhered to and <br />accreditation by the applicant as a member of the Fennel Association', and the applicant's preference for <br />up to 70 spaces lava'lable for day camp areas. <br />Ms. Lansing clartfiled that the facility operated 7 days a week, with regular hours on Monday through <br />Saturday from 9:00 a.m. — 9*.00 p.m., and Sundays from 10:00 a.m. — 6:00 p.m.; and the applicant <br />requesting, allowances for drop offs as early as 7,#.00 a.m. to accommodate scheduling for boarding, <br />grooming or day care, <br />Mr. Paschke indicated staffs recommendation that hours of operation be specified as part of the CUP <br />review and approval, noting the variables. <br />Mr. Paschke advised that staff had received two (2) phone calls from residents in the James Addition, not <br />supportive of the proposal, but not expanding on what aspects they were opposed to, other than the <br />proposed nature of the kenneling and boarding portion of the business. <br />Public Comment <br />Chair Wakeman closed the Public Hearing, with Ino one appearing for or against. <br />32 MOTION <br />33 Member Boorigter, moved,' seconded by Member Doherty to RECOMMEND APPROVAL of a <br />34 requested ZONING TEXT AMENDMENT to Section 1002 Definitions — Dog Kennel to exclude pet <br />3 arding 'and/or daycare as an accessory use to pet and pet supply store and Section 1006.016 <br />316 Ilse Chart to *Include pet boarding and/or pet dayeare as a condl*flonall use in all zoning districts <br />37 where pet and pet supply stores are permitted or conditional uses, for Rosedale Commons LP and <br />38 PietSmart wilthIn Rosedale Commons shopping center, 2480 Fairview Avenue, based on the <br />39 comments in Section 6 of the project report dated December 5, 2007. <br />40 Ayes: 7 <br />41 Nays-., 0 <br />42 Motion carried. <br />43 MOTION <br />44 Member Boerigter moved, seconded by Member Gasongo to RECOMMEND APPROVAL of an <br />45 AMENDED CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT (CUP) for Rdsedale Commons LP and PetSmart allowing <br />46 pet boarding and a doggie day camp withlin Rosedale Commons shopping center, 2480 Fairview <br />47 Avenue,, based on the comments and findings of Section 6 and the condiflons of Section 7 of the <br />48 project report dated December 6, 2007, amended as follows: <br />
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