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00 — 2018 Capital Improvement Plan <br />Item: Inflow &Infiltration Division: Public Works <br />Year: 2009-2011 Cost: $450,000 <br />Status: $450,000 available (projected) <br />Description: <br />Due to the age and design of the City's sanitary sewer system., infiltration of some of the City's <br />stormwatcr runoff drains into the sanitary sewer system which subsequently rece'ive's <br />unnecessary wastewater treatment at a cost to the City. Taking measures to reduce this <br />unnecessary cost is not only required by the Metropolitan Council, but will save the City future <br />related costs. <br />Teti -'ir ntinn - <br />aDital Costs <br />Funding Sources <br />ILMU'7 <br />ALM -L / <br />IL, UXX <br />GUXI., <br />I.,UX) <br />Gll'1 - Gll'1� <br />Property taxes <br />Property taxes <br />Total Sources <br />Total Sources <br />Expe <br />Expe <br />Capital repilacement <br />Total Expenditures <br />Total Expenditures <br />Onerations and Maintenance Costs <br />No op erational casts are shown. There is no significant change in op erational casts. <br />6 <br />Funding <br />ILMU'7 <br />IL, UX U ' <br />IL, UXX <br />Gll'1G <br />Gll'1.) <br />Gll'1 - Gll'1� <br />Property taxes <br />Total Sources <br />Expe <br />Total Expenditures <br />No op erational casts are shown. There is no significant change in op erational casts. <br />6 <br />