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We estimate we will end 2008 with approximately $,300,000 in fuel purchases for the year. Today's <br />2,,'i wholesale spot price for unleaded gasoline is $,2.07 per gallon and $,3.42 per gallon for diesel fuel. Again <br />29 we will have up to date information on this bid opportunity for discussion at your meeting. <br />3('-) Policy Objective <br />3 1 Staff strives to find the most cost effective purchasing opportunities to meet budgetary objectives. Many <br />32 purchasing options are subject to market volatility. We use the best information we are able to obtain <br />33 and consider historical fluctuations in the market to recommend purchasing authorizations. All <br />34 purchasing must comply with statutory requirements. <br />35 Financial Implications <br />36 Staff has recommended $286,775 in the proposed budget for 2009. We are anticipating that participation <br />37 in this fuel bid will assure that 2009 fleet fuel purchases are within the recommended budgetary amount. <br />38 Staff recommendation <br />39 Staff recommends participating in this cooperative purchasing venture. While there is some risk that <br />°1(' -) fuel prices could go lower, absent a solid national energy policy, we feel this market will continue to <br />4 eXDerience wide swinas inDricina- <br />42 REQUESTED COUNCIL ACTION <br />43 Motion aDDroving DarticiDatina in ioint Durchase of fleet fuel for 2009 as Dart of the State of Minnesota <br />44 contract <br />Prepared by: Duane Schwartz <br />Page 2 of 2 <br />