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Attachment D <br />Ire. 2008, the City has experienced significant increases in energy and fuel - related costs. Ire. <br />addition, capital replacements and other service inputs increased at or above projected inflation <br />levels. The 2009 recommended budget reflects an additional increase in energy and fuel costs. <br />For e mployees, the City must continue to offer not only cost -off- living wage adjustments, but also <br />merit -pay increases for those e mployees that have demonstrated increased shill, expertise, and <br />the ability to create value for Roseville citizens. We must also continue to provide <br />comprehensive healthcare coverage in a manner that shares benefits and costs between the City <br />and the e mployee. <br />To adequately preserve current programs and services levels, the City must accommodate the <br />following additional budget impacts.- <br />Item. Amount <br />Cost of living wage adjustments 3.5%) 155,POOO <br />Employee wage step increases 97,POOO <br />Employee healthcare increases 10% 230 POOO <br />State PERA. mandated increases 65 ,POOO <br />Park System Master Plan I KPOOO <br />Motor fuel / energy costs 90POOO <br />Legal, Elections, Dispatch, etc. 67,POOO <br />Information syste ms replace ment 4O PO O <br />Total 844,POO O <br />Net Increase. Some monies from 2008 Budget have he reprogrammed <br />In addition, in an effort to preserve existing programs and services, the recommended budget <br />relies on the Public Safety exception to the 3.9% levy limit (which funds increases to the Public <br />Safety wage and benefits), and freezes virtually all other expenditures to the 2008 level, bringing <br />the total new spending obligations to 844,000. <br />Concurrent with the recommendation of the 2009 budget to preserve existing services and <br />service levels, it is recommended that the City immediately embark on the preparation of a <br />biennial outcome based budget for FY 2010 & 2011 that will examine all services provided and <br />prioritize those services. To the extent funding is not available, the City would reduce or <br />eliminate services or service levels rather than diminish core services through limited operational <br />and /or capital appropriations. With this approach, the City will position itself to. fund it's core <br />services long tern; to better cope with the future constraints of the three year legislated levy <br />limits; and to fund long term capital needs. <br />Imagine Roseville 2025 Vision <br />In 2008, the Council prioritized which goals and strategies to pursue for 2008 and beyond, and <br />we set aside funds for this purpose. Given the limited available funding in 2009, it is <br />recommended that a minimal amount of 1 ,000 be allocated for this project. The remaining <br />unfunded priority, the Parrs Master Plan, is appropriated 100,000 for completion in 2009. <br />K <br />