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To�: <br />From: <br />Subject: <br />Date: <br />N <br />r1= <br />Attachment B <br />Hoisington Koegler Group Inc. <br />Comprehensive Plan Update Steering Comlmlittee <br />Hoisington Koegler Group Inc. <br />September 11th Comp Plan Steering Committee Meeting Notes -DRAFT <br />Dan Roe, Amy lh�lan�, Steve Burwell, Mary Bakem�an�, Karen Schaffer, Jeff Johnson, Gary <br />Grefen�berg, Stuart Sh�wiff, John Goedeke, James DeBen�edet, Jim Doherty, Tammy Punt, Al <br />Sands <br />Jamie Radel (City Staff), Patrick Trudgeon (City Staff), Mark Koegler (Hl Gi con�suiltan�t), Rusty <br />Fifield (Hl Gi con�suiltan�t), Jeff Miller (Hl Gi con�suiltan�t) <br />399=9� <br />Thee plan�n�in�g con�suiltan�ts reviewed the revised agenda that was distribuited at the m�eetin�g. There were <br />no suiggested changes by the Steering Committee (SC) to the revised agenda. <br />The following changes to the meeting notes were suiggested by the Steering Committee (SC): <br />■ Doherty noted that his name sh�ouild be added to the list of attendees since he did attend the <br />August 14 SC meeting. <br />■ Grefen�berg requiested that Attachment B, which is his suiggested revisions to the Economic <br />Development & Redevelopment Chapter, be printed in color, so that his proposed revisions <br />are visible. <br />■ Grefen�berg suiggested uin�der section V1 of the meeting notes, buillet point #5 uin�der the second <br />set of buillet points, sh�ouild read as follows ­ Add "and is consistent with the Comprehensive <br />Plan''' to Goal 2. <br />IN <br />1 Leola Sch�reuirs, 3058 Wilder Street North ­ She expressed her opposition to the City removing <br />the Twin Lakes Master Plan from the Comprehensive Plan. She stated that big box retail is a <br />201h cen�tuiry development type and that the City needs to think 21 s' cen�tuiry. She suiggested <br />that the City needs to promote the addition of higher paying jobs than retail jobs in the <br />com�m�uin�ity. In addition, she suiggested that retail buisin�ess is increasingly going online. <br />2. Tam (McGehee, 77 Mid Oaks Lane ­ She provided a h�an�douit (Attachment A) that suim�m�arized <br />her concerns, which consisted of the following: 1) She is opposed to removing the 100,000 sq <br />ft threshold from the Com�m�uin�ity Business land uise definition. She felt that this topic was one <br />of the main issuies brouigh�t uip duirin�g the first open h�ouise. Furthermore, she asserted that all <br />