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Fuhrman <br />From: sup�port@c, <br />Sent: Fridl �, August 22, 2008 7-22 AM <br />To Pat Trudgeon <br />Subject: Oinline Form Submittal: H Application <br />the he following form was submitted via your website: HRA Application <br />1,,-,,,ame: : Josh Fuhrman <br />7�ddress. <br />City, State, Zip: Roseville,,, MN 55113 <br />for Experience (specify any experience in a housinq, finance or real estate field) I'M <br />i,vnirrentiv the director of counseling for the Homeownership Preservation Foundation (HPF) <br />HPF currently is a key member of the Hope Now 1kiliance which was a Treasury sponscred <br />initiative to combat the current national foreclosure crisls. I also spent 12 yeas s as t— <br />director of counseling for a local houisncj and credit counseling agency prior to Joining <br />the HPIF. <br />Educaticn:: BA in Philosophy and Communications (University of MN-Duluth) <br />Civic and Volunteer Activities (Past and Present) :: I've done volunteer work in the past <br />for thLe St., Paul Winter Carnival, Special Olympics and for Grandma's Marathon <br />Please state your reasons for wanting to serve on the Housing and Redevelopment <br />Authority:: I've lived in Roseville most of my life, and T feel that I'm at a point ini-rly <br />11-fe in whicill I would like to get involved with local issues acid direction. I have a <br />pass ion fir helping consumers and that cori-ffaunities are safe. <br />What is your view of the role of a member of the Housing and Redevelopment Author--'Lty?: <br />Wi-L-hout knowing the current make-up of the HRAj it "s difficult to know what role T could <br />play, however my strength lies in being tied into the current foreclosure crisis and whaT� <br />other coau-nunities (and natl initiatives) are doing to resolve/prevent the crisis. <br />Any further information you wouid like the City Council to consider or that you feel is <br />rielevant to, the appointment you are seeking.: I've been in a management position for -most <br />of my brief proffessional life and I beleive that from, a profeassional view, that I've <br />established myself as a dedicated, trusted and fair colleage. <br />I understand that all information provided in this application, except my telephone <br />number, fax number and email address, may be distributed by the City to the public <br />including, but not limited to, being posted on the City of Roseville webs-ite. I agree to <br />waive any and all. claims under the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act, or any other <br />applicable state, and federal law, that in any way, related, to the dissemination to the <br />pubillc of information contained in this application that would be classified as private <br />under such laws. I understand that T may contact the responsible authority for the CI'L-y of <br />Roseville if I have any questions regarding the public or private nature of the <br />information provided. Yes, <br />I understand that the City will riot publish my phone or fax numbers or email address <br />without my, authorization and do hereby allow the City to publish (check all that app-,Y).: <br />IL 11- <br />Home telephone number, Work telephone number, Other telephone number, Home fax ax numbe-L, <br />Wcfk fax number, Home email address, Work email address <br />S <br />Dayt]i-i-iie Telephone: 612-414-3644 <br />Evening Teleph o one : 651-645-2012 <br />Home Telephone (if different).- <br />Work. Telephone (if different) .- <br />1 <br />