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Attachment E <br />130 <br />131 7'.0 COMPLIANCE with I-►WS and REGULATIONS: <br />132 7.1 The DEVELOPER represents to the CITY that any site improvements pursuant to the <br />133 proposed development will comply with all City, County, Watershed, Metropolitan, <br />134 State,, and Federal laws and regulations. <br />135 <br />13 6' 8.0 SITE DEVELOPMENT REQUIREMENTS: <br />8.1 To ensure that the proposed development meets the CITY'S requirements and standards <br />for site development, the following provisions shall apply: <br />a. Final Grading Plan. The final grading plan must be reviewed and approved by <br />the Director of Public Works before any permits will be issued. All grading shall <br />comply with the approved grading plans and shall be the responsibility of the <br />DEVELOPER. The DEVELOPER' engineer shall provide to the CITY a letter <br />certifying that the grading project was constructed and was completed as depicted <br />in the approved grading plan prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. <br />b. Final Utility 'Yervicing Plan. The final utility servicing plan must be reviewed <br />and approved by the Director of Public Works prior to any permits being issued <br />for the building. <br />C. Erosion ControL Prior to site grading, and before any utility construction is <br />commenced or building permits are issued, an erosion control plan must be <br />submitted for approval by the Director of Public Works and/or the Rice Creek <br />Watershed, and all erosion control actions shall be implemented, inspected and <br />approved by the CITY. <br />d. Clean Up. The DEVELOPER shall clean dirt and debris from public streets that <br />has resulted from construction work by said DEVELOPER or DEVELOPER'S <br />CONTRACTORS,, its agents or assigns. The CITY will determine whether it is <br />necessary to take additional measures to clean dirt and debris from the streets. <br />After 24 hours verbal notice to the DEVELOPER,, the CITY may complete or <br />contract to complete the clean up at the DEVELOPER'S expense. <br />e. Utility & Drainage Easements, The DEVELOPER is responsible for creating, <br />dedicating and/or granting specific easements pertaining to public utility services, <br />as approved by the City and/or storm water ponding and treatment as approved by <br />Rice Creek watershed. <br />V <br />