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staff and one foot in length. The pennant shall be of a blue background <br />and bear a three -inch replica of the Minnesota state seal, <br />6110.1100 ENTA L OF WATERCRAFT. <br />Subpart 1. Condition and equipment of rental watercraft. Condition <br />and equipment of rental watercraft: <br />A. No watercraft which is in a broken, rotten, or otherwise hazard- <br />ous condition, including any accessory equipment, shall be rented or <br />offered for rent. <br />B. No watercraft shall be rented or offered for rent unless it meets <br />the flotation requirements for its year of manufacture, found in Code of <br />Federal Regulations, title 33, part 183, subparts F, G and H. <br />C. No watercraft shall be rented or offered for rent unless it is free <br />of spilled gasoline and oil. <br />D. No watercraft which has been rented shall be permitted to de- <br />part from the premises at which it was rented if it is loaded beyond its <br />safe carrying capacity or powered. beyond its safe ower capacity. <br />E. No other number, letter, design, or insign is shall be disia ed on <br />either side of any such watercraft which is closer than 24 inches to any <br />part of the watercraft license number or validation decal. y <br />F The owner of a business which rents, leases, or hires out water- <br />craft shall provide for each person on board the watercraft all lifesav- <br />ing devices required by law or these rules, as well as all other re uired <br />safety equipment for each watercraft. q <br />Subp. 2e Persons to whom watercraft may be rented. No watercraft <br />shall be knowingly rented or offered for rent to any person who is <br />under the influence -of alcohol or a controlled substance. <br />611 0A 200 NAVIGATION OF WATERCRAFT ON THE WATERS OF <br />THE STATE; SAFETY EQUIPMENT. <br />Subpart I. Rules of the roddm Rules of the road: <br />A. When watercraft are running in the same direction, the water- <br />craft being overtaken has right- of-way and must hold course andspeed. <br />The watercraft which is astern shall pass only when there is sufficient <br />distance so the maneuver can be done safely and only at such speed <br />that its wash or wake will not endanger the watercraft being passed or <br />its occupants. No person operating a watercraft shall abruptly change <br />its course without first determining that it can be safely done without <br />risk of collision, <br />B. When watercraft are approaching each other head on, or nearly <br />so, each shall turn to the right a sufficient distance so that they will <br />safely pass. When the course of an approaching craft is so far to the <br />right as not to be considered as meeting head on, each shall maintain <br />its course and pass clear. <br />C. When watercraft are crossing courses, or approaching each other <br />obliquely or at right angles, so as to involve risk of collision, the craft <br />which has the other on its own right shall yield right-of-way. <br />D. A nonmotorized watercraft has right -of -way over a motor-pow- <br />ered watercraft except when it is the overtaking watercraft, Motor -pow- <br />erect watercraft should always keep clear and pass astern of <br />nonmotorized watercraft. <br />E. small watercraft shat l not insist on the right -of -way, nor unneces- <br />sarily impede the passage of large co€ - m-lercial vessels, which are re- <br />stricted in their ability to maneuver by size, draft, or speed. <br />F. When watercraft are in a narrow channel, each shall keep as far <br />to the right as may be safe or practical. <br />G. All watercraft shall yield the right -of -way to enforcement or other <br />authorized emergency watercraft displaying a red or blue flashing light, <br />Subp. 2. mode of operation of watercraft. Mode of operation: <br />A. No person shall operate a watercraft in such a manner that its <br />wash or wake will endanger, harass,, or unnecessarily interfere with <br />any other person or property. <br />B. No person shall operate a watercraft in any manner as to inten- <br />tionally obstruct or interfere with the takeoff, landing, or taxiing of any <br />aircraft. <br />C. No person shall operate a watercraft within 150 feet of a diver's <br />warning flag (described in Minnesota Statutes, section 86B.601). <br />D. No person shall operate a watercraft in the vicinity of a lock and <br />dam on the Mississippi Diver from Upper St. Anthony Falls through <br />Lock and Dam number Eight in violation of the following: <br />(1) In the marked restricted area 600 feet upstream or 150 feet down- <br />stream of the dam, including auxiliary locks not in service. <br />(2) At greater than a slow -no wake speed in the lock or lock ap- <br />proach area. "Slow -no awake," means the operation of a watercraft at <br />the slowest possible speed necessary to maintain steerage, and in no <br />case greater than five miles per hour. <br />(3) Enforcement, emergency, resource management, and other gov- <br />ernment personnel or contractors are exempt from this part when per- <br />forming official duties or authorized work. <br />E. The operator of any watercraft, when signaled to do so by a con- <br />servation officer, sheriff, or sheriff's deputy shall bring the watercraft to <br />a stop or maneuver it in a manner which will allow the officer to come <br />alongside. <br />Subp. 3. Personal flotation (lifesaving) devices. Flotation devices: <br />A. Every person on board a watercraft or duck boat shall wear or <br />have readily accessible a U.S. Coast Guard approved Type 1, II, or III <br />personal flotation device. In addition to these devices, watercraft and <br />duck boats 16 feet or more in length, except canoes and kayaks, roust <br />also carry at least one U.S. Coast Guard approved Type lei personal <br />flotation device. A U.S. Coast Guard approved Type IV personal flota- <br />tion device may be carried in lieu of any personal flotation device <br />required by this part, on nonmotorized watercraft operated by life- <br />guards within a marked swimming area, as defined in part 6110.1600. <br />P. A U.S. Coast Guard approved Type V personal flotation device <br />may be carried in lieu of any persona I flotation device required in this <br />rule, if the Type V personal flotation device is approved: <br />(1) for the activity in which the watercraft is being used; and <br />(2) as a substitute for the type of personal flotation devices required <br />FOR <br />'i ' Eti.:'0 r _ ry r ?d•I. S ;rA'. L!'SsE.:i`�'f:�k5��9 2} .��s F:i i�_ = ' y:• ' <br />_ - - _ •��'�p-.[.� :F if,Y4. to ':�: �. _y #f'� �rr'F�•r ��f�t '�: �.'; t. a?•.h� .. <br />•- �-• -, .�i!'• fJ'. e'�p � �C }T �r69- 1 �.� .e11 � �. A.}.�. � -',..• Y•�- •�. <br />i SJ- - r= � ;'-F :��::a� ;r�•,.5�� � � �� �`F`fh�� ±'Z �:'�Y; ire .. <br />.,7 - � fix{ j�� •'i,k 1�• �Y �+ {§��T�..HY ��Li .� Vim: �,��� S p {4�i,���u i��` Fr � �_e <br />N s�•i )T-t. - 'y���7•s;£ �� sjj r* •F <br />_ .. - - - • - r - -- �• � -• .K•'.,t �'4,.: .�ti F�1 .�'�- ;.:',�', gig �.'°sr <br />no, <br />a <br />staff and one foot in length. The pennant shall be of a blue background <br />and bear a three -inch replica of the Minnesota state seal, <br />6110.1100 ENTA L OF WATERCRAFT. <br />Subpart 1. Condition and equipment of rental watercraft. Condition <br />and equipment of rental watercraft: <br />A. No watercraft which is in a broken, rotten, or otherwise hazard- <br />ous condition, including any accessory equipment, shall be rented or <br />offered for rent. <br />B. No watercraft shall be rented or offered for rent unless it meets <br />the flotation requirements for its year of manufacture, found in Code of <br />Federal Regulations, title 33, part 183, subparts F, G and H. <br />C. No watercraft shall be rented or offered for rent unless it is free <br />of spilled gasoline and oil. <br />D. No watercraft which has been rented shall be permitted to de- <br />part from the premises at which it was rented if it is loaded beyond its <br />safe carrying capacity or powered. beyond its safe ower capacity. <br />E. No other number, letter, design, or insign is shall be disia ed on <br />either side of any such watercraft which is closer than 24 inches to any <br />part of the watercraft license number or validation decal. y <br />F The owner of a business which rents, leases, or hires out water- <br />craft shall provide for each person on board the watercraft all lifesav- <br />ing devices required by law or these rules, as well as all other re uired <br />safety equipment for each watercraft. q <br />Subp. 2e Persons to whom watercraft may be rented. No watercraft <br />shall be knowingly rented or offered for rent to any person who is <br />under the influence -of alcohol or a controlled substance. <br />611 0A 200 NAVIGATION OF WATERCRAFT ON THE WATERS OF <br />THE STATE; SAFETY EQUIPMENT. <br />Subpart I. Rules of the roddm Rules of the road: <br />A. When watercraft are running in the same direction, the water- <br />craft being overtaken has right- of-way and must hold course andspeed. <br />The watercraft which is astern shall pass only when there is sufficient <br />distance so the maneuver can be done safely and only at such speed <br />that its wash or wake will not endanger the watercraft being passed or <br />its occupants. No person operating a watercraft shall abruptly change <br />its course without first determining that it can be safely done without <br />risk of collision, <br />B. When watercraft are approaching each other head on, or nearly <br />so, each shall turn to the right a sufficient distance so that they will <br />safely pass. When the course of an approaching craft is so far to the <br />right as not to be considered as meeting head on, each shall maintain <br />its course and pass clear. <br />C. When watercraft are crossing courses, or approaching each other <br />obliquely or at right angles, so as to involve risk of collision, the craft <br />which has the other on its own right shall yield right-of-way. <br />D. A nonmotorized watercraft has right -of -way over a motor-pow- <br />ered watercraft except when it is the overtaking watercraft, Motor -pow- <br />erect watercraft should always keep clear and pass astern of <br />nonmotorized watercraft. <br />E. small watercraft shat l not insist on the right -of -way, nor unneces- <br />sarily impede the passage of large co€ - m-lercial vessels, which are re- <br />stricted in their ability to maneuver by size, draft, or speed. <br />F. When watercraft are in a narrow channel, each shall keep as far <br />to the right as may be safe or practical. <br />G. All watercraft shall yield the right -of -way to enforcement or other <br />authorized emergency watercraft displaying a red or blue flashing light, <br />Subp. 2. mode of operation of watercraft. Mode of operation: <br />A. No person shall operate a watercraft in such a manner that its <br />wash or wake will endanger, harass,, or unnecessarily interfere with <br />any other person or property. <br />B. No person shall operate a watercraft in any manner as to inten- <br />tionally obstruct or interfere with the takeoff, landing, or taxiing of any <br />aircraft. <br />C. No person shall operate a watercraft within 150 feet of a diver's <br />warning flag (described in Minnesota Statutes, section 86B.601). <br />D. No person shall operate a watercraft in the vicinity of a lock and <br />dam on the Mississippi Diver from Upper St. Anthony Falls through <br />Lock and Dam number Eight in violation of the following: <br />(1) In the marked restricted area 600 feet upstream or 150 feet down- <br />stream of the dam, including auxiliary locks not in service. <br />(2) At greater than a slow -no wake speed in the lock or lock ap- <br />proach area. "Slow -no awake," means the operation of a watercraft at <br />the slowest possible speed necessary to maintain steerage, and in no <br />case greater than five miles per hour. <br />(3) Enforcement, emergency, resource management, and other gov- <br />ernment personnel or contractors are exempt from this part when per- <br />forming official duties or authorized work. <br />E. The operator of any watercraft, when signaled to do so by a con- <br />servation officer, sheriff, or sheriff's deputy shall bring the watercraft to <br />a stop or maneuver it in a manner which will allow the officer to come <br />alongside. <br />Subp. 3. Personal flotation (lifesaving) devices. Flotation devices: <br />A. Every person on board a watercraft or duck boat shall wear or <br />have readily accessible a U.S. Coast Guard approved Type 1, II, or III <br />personal flotation device. In addition to these devices, watercraft and <br />duck boats 16 feet or more in length, except canoes and kayaks, roust <br />also carry at least one U.S. Coast Guard approved Type lei personal <br />flotation device. A U.S. Coast Guard approved Type IV personal flota- <br />tion device may be carried in lieu of any personal flotation device <br />required by this part, on nonmotorized watercraft operated by life- <br />guards within a marked swimming area, as defined in part 6110.1600. <br />P. A U.S. Coast Guard approved Type V personal flotation device <br />may be carried in lieu of any persona I flotation device required in this <br />rule, if the Type V personal flotation device is approved: <br />(1) for the activity in which the watercraft is being used; and <br />(2) as a substitute for the type of personal flotation devices required <br />FOR <br />'i ' Eti.:'0 r _ ry r ?d•I. S ;rA'. L!'SsE.:i`�'f:�k5��9 2} .��s F:i i�_ = ' y:• ' <br />_ - - _ •��'�p-.[.� :F if,Y4. to ':�: �. _y #f'� �rr'F�•r ��f�t '�: �.'; t. a?•.h� .. <br />•- �-• -, .�i!'• fJ'. e'�p � �C }T �r69- 1 �.� .e11 � �. A.}.�. � -',..• Y•�- •�. <br />i SJ- - r= � ;'-F :��::a� ;r�•,.5�� � � �� �`F`fh�� ±'Z �:'�Y; ire .. <br />.,7 - � fix{ j�� •'i,k 1�• �Y �+ {§��T�..HY ��Li .� Vim: �,��� S p {4�i,���u i��` Fr � �_e <br />N s�•i )T-t. - 'y���7•s;£ �� sjj r* •F <br />_ .. - - - • - r - -- �• � -• .K•'.,t �'4,.: .�ti F�1 .�'�- ;.:',�', gig �.'°sr <br />