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3 <br />WATER SKIING <br />(1) it is unlawful to tow a person on water skis, <br />aquaplane, surfboard, saucer, or similar device un- <br />less there is a mirror providing the operator a wide <br />[field of vision to the rear, or unless another person <br />in the towing watercraft is continuously watching <br />the person being towed. <br />Note: For regulations on towing people on water skis <br />or other devices with a personal watercraft (water <br />scooter, jet Ski, etc.) see page 36. <br />(2) Water skiing and similar acts are prohibited <br />between one hour after sunset to sunrise of the fol- <br />lowing day. <br />(3) Water ski tow ropes may not be longer than <br />150 feet in length, unless a permit is obtained from <br />the county sheriff. <br />(4) A U.S. Coast Guard approved personal flo- <br />tation device (PFD) must either be worn by a person <br />being towed on water skis or other device, or carried <br />in the towing watercraft. <br />Tubing has become extremely popular over the <br />last few years and it can be a safe and enjoyable <br />water sport. Unfortunately, there has also been an <br />increase in the number of accidents involving boats <br />pulling tubes and other inflatable water toys. The <br />accidents involve injuries caused by: <br />(1) The tube hitting a wake and flipping, thereby <br />throwing the rider(s) into the water or <br />against each other. <br />(2) Tubes swinging out as a boat turns - hitting <br />an object or throwing the occupant off. <br />M <br />f <br />(3) Injuries caused by the tow line and when <br />two tubes being towed by the same boat. <br />collide with each other. <br />Tubes are affected mostly by the maneuvers of <br />the boat doing the towing, similar to a clock's pen- <br />dulum. Riders do not have the directional control <br />that water skiers have, so the boat operator needs <br />to take special precautions. <br />Speed needs to be kept low to reduce the likli- <br />hood and consequences of an accident. Turns <br />should be made gradually and away from shore, <br />other boats, swim rafts or docks to reduce the <br />chance of collision. Tow only a single tube at a time. <br />An observer in the boat and the tube rider wearing <br />a life vest are highly recommended. <br />1234 A B <br />T­z <br />iw, I I <br />PERSONAL WATERCRAFT (Jet Skis) <br />(As with any other law, the folio wl ing personal watercraft <br />regulations may be changed by the legislature after the <br />publication of this booklet.) <br />What i . s a personal watercraft? Sometimes known <br />as Jet Skis,,, Wave Runi7ers., Sea Doos, water scoot- <br />ers etc., a personal watercraft is defined by law <br />as a motorboat that is: 1) powered. by an inboard <br />motor powering a water jet pump or by an outboard <br />or propel er-driven motor; and 2) designed to be <br />operated by a person or persons sitting, standing, or <br />35 <br />