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§ Reimbursable Expenses are in addition to compensation for the Engineer" �s, services, aid include expenses <br />incurred by die Engineer and Engineer's employees and consultants directly rielatied, to the Project, as identified in <br />thefollowing Clauses: <br />transportation in connection with the Project, authorized out-of-town travel and subsistence, and <br />elect.1,onic corm-nunications; <br />.2 fees paid -for securing approval of autborities having jurisdiction over the Project; <br />3 reproductions, plots, standard form documents, postage, handling and delivery of Tnstrurnents of <br />Service.; <br />.4 expense of overtime work ,requiring higher than regular rates if authorized in adval:lice by the Owner-. <br />�s renderings, models and mock-ups requested by the Owner; <br />.6 expense of professional liability insurance dedicated exclusiviely to this Project or die expense, of <br />additional insurance cove-rage or limits requested by the Owner in excess of that normally carried by <br />the Engineer and the Engineer's consultants; <br />.7 reimbursable expenses as designated in Section 1.5.5; <br />.8 other sirnilar direct reject-related expenditures. <br />§ Records of Reimbursable Expenses, of expenses pertaining to a Change. in Services, and of services <br />peiformed on the basis of hourly rates or a multiple of Direct Personnel Expense shall be, available to the Owner or <br />the Owners authorized representative at mutually convenient times,. <br />§ 1,19A Direct Personnel Expense is defined as the direct salaries of the Engineer's personniel engaged on the <br />Project and the portion of the cost of their mandatory and customary contributions, and benefits related thereto, such <br />as employment taxes and other statutory employee benefits, insurance, sick leave, holidays, vacations, employee, <br />retirement plans and sirrdlar contributions. <br />ARTICLE 1.4 SCOPE OF SERVICES AND OTHER SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS <br />§ 1.4.1 Enumeration of Parts of the Agreement. This Agreement represents the entire and integrated agreement <br />between the Owner and the Engineer and supersedes all prior negotiations, representations or, agreements, eitheT <br />written or oral. This Agreement may be amended only by written instrument signed by both Owner and Engineer. <br />This Agreement comprises the docurnents listed below, <br />§ Standard Form of Agreement Between Owner and Engineer, AIA Document B, 141-1997. <br />§ Standard Form of Engineer's Services: Design and Contract Administration, AIA Document B 141-1997, or <br />as follows: <br />(List other documents, if any, delineating Engineer's scope of sierviceis.) Construction Management Services: <br />See attached. <br />§ Other documents as follows: <br />(List other documents, if , forming part of the Agreement.) <br />§ 1.4.2 Special Terms mid Conditions. Special terms and conditions that modify this Agreement are as follows: <br />ARTICLE 1.5 COMPENSATION <br />§ 1.5.1 For the Engineer's services as described under Article 1A, compensation shall'ble. computed as follows: <br />11 <br />Twenty Four Thousand Eight Hundred Dollars ($24,800.00'. <br />AIA 6ocument B141TM —1997 Part 1. Copyright 0 19170 1926,1948,1951 , 1953,1958, 119161,19163,19616, 1967, 1970, 1974, 1977'1, 1'987 and 1997 by The <br />Init. American Institute of Architects. All rights reserved. WARNING: This AIO Document is protected by U.S. Clopyright ILaw, and International Treaties. 8 <br />Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this Ale Document, or any, portion of it, may, iresiult in severe cu ill and criminal penaltles, and will be <br />prosecuted to the maximum extent possible and the law. This document was pro�duiced by AIA sloftware at 07:41:29 on 0121/'05/2008 under Order <br />K10.400013157A013 I kAlhich expires on 111-5/2008, and is not for resale. 1 1­ . I <br />1 *4 %,M_ I " %0 W.— 1 0. %or expire -Jqq <br />Us�'r t4otesl (4d 14251 <br />