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9�7 any substandard cul-de-sacs; with staff taking fire codes, impacts, to properties, storm water systems and <br />98 other issues into consideration before making a recommendation to the City Council. <br />99, City Attorney Squires concurred with staffs synops,is, and recommendation, based on recent court <br />11010 findings. City Attorney Squires noted the difficulty and frustration to reference materials, without clarifying <br />101 the actual document to allo w review, however noted that the recommended code amendment language <br />102 was consistent with State law as per his research. <br />103 Mayor Klausing opined that staff s recommendation appeared prudent to avoid a more cumbersome <br />104 process, and meet legal standards; and that in situations where smaller cul-de-sacs are considered it <br />105 usually was for, environmental purposes to avoid greater impacts to the surrounding land area (i.e. <br />106 wetlands). <br />107 Mr. Schwartz noted that, while there were no specific comments, from the Fire and/or Police Departments, <br />108 they were included in the weekly department-wide staff meeting level. <br />1019 Further, discussion included the proposed date of enactment of the ordinance amendment (when <br />i 1 o approved and published), and retroactive language versus prospective cul-de-sac construction. <br />1111 City Attorney Squires, noted that the court decision indicated nothing by the plaintiff that would enjoin the <br />112 Mueller Project from going forward, further noting that he could have already proceeded with the project. <br />113 Pust moved, Role, seconded, langu-age amendment to Attachment C, draft ordinance, Section 1103.021' <br />114 Minimum Roadway Standards: C. Cul-De-Sacs, page 4, Subd. 4,, amend to read <br />115 04. Alternatives to the Standard Design: An alternative to the standard design, to accommodate <br />116 unusual conditions,, may be considered by the Public, Works Director and may [shall] be brought <br />117 to the City Council for approval based on the Public Works Director's recommendation. 31 <br />118 Roll Call (Lan guagie Amendment) <br />119 Ayes: Kiough; Roe; thlan; Pust; and Klausing. <br />11201 Nlays : Non�e. <br />121 Motion carried. <br />122 Councilmember IhIan reiterated her request for deferred action on this until the State Fire Code <br />123 application had been resolved; and to allow a more detailed policy discussion on construction of non- <br />124 standard cul-de-s,acs. <br />125 Mayor Klausing advised that he was amenable to deferring the decision; however, opined that it seemed <br />126 to be becoming common practice for action on specific issues, to be deferred for more discussion or more <br />127 research when it didn't provide, substantive information to make for good policy decisions, <br />128 Roe moved, IhIan seconded, motion to table enactment of this ordinance on the Fire Code question. <br />129 Coulincilmember Roe opined that he did not agree that enactment of this ordinance would serve to create <br />130 more substandard cul-de-sacs throughout the City, further opining that the proposed ordinance language <br />131 would match s,tafFs interpretation of recent court action, and that such provisions would each come before <br />132 the City Council for review and consideration for action., <br />1331 Roll Call (Mottoin to Table) <br />134 Ayes: Kolugh,; Roe; and IhIan <br />1315, Nays: Pust and Klausing <br />136 Motion carried. <br />137 City Attorney Squires requested specific identification of the provisions identified and referenced, and <br />138 requiring additional research by the City Attorney. <br />