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3116 Prov*ide the yards required by this Code. (Ord. 1286, 08-04-2,003) <br />37 OVERLAY DISTRICT: A zonin,g,,d*1str1*ct that encompasses one 01, more,primary zoning <br />38 di'stricts.or portions, thereof and that ses addiftional requirements or relaxes one k1) or more <br />39 standards-required..b the primary zonin-distfict. (Ord. XXXXX, XX-XX-XXX <br />y <br />40 <br />41 <br />MM <br />1003.01s DISTRUCTS ESTABLISHED: <br />For the purpose of'this zoning code, the city is hereby organized into the following districts-. <br />E,. Overlay Districts, <br />S,FROD Sin gle-family residential overlay -district <br />(Ord. 500, 8-8-1966- a,md. Ord. 572, 4-29-1968- Ord. 7566-23-1975-:Ord. 895, 1-11-1982+ <br />1995 Code* Ord. 1276,12-16-2001- Ord XXXX X-X-Xxxx) <br />510 1,003.02: OFFICIAL MAP,- DESIGNATIONS: <br />51 The location and boundaries of the districts established by this code are set forth on the zoning <br />11 <br />52 map, consisting of :teen (15) sections entitled the official zoning map of the city dated May 12, <br />53 19,59, which is hereby adopted as the official zoning map of the city, and is incorporated herein <br />54 and made a, part of this code. (Ord. 275, 5-12-1959) <br />55 Single-Family, esidential Over!- District: All the. lots platted on or before <br />5'16 that meet or exceed 70 percent of the lot dimension standards contained 'in this Code for the <br />57 R-1 Sing,1e,.Fqm*1 I I "Ir V, <br />I -Y Res'denfial District. (Ord. XXXXX ,x-i,,,x-2007) <br />58 <br />L-U1161 <br />oil <br />wa I'm <br />1004.0 1 -. <br />1004 <br />1004.016*- <br />11004.02: <br />1004.03-0 <br />1:004.04-o' <br />19 <br />