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work, and some record by way of current 'open' cases. <br />• Seven of ten cities have 'proactive' enforcement versus simply <br />`reactive' enforcement (where cities will act upon violations observed <br />I <br />versus just responding to complaints received). <br />• Two of ten cities use an Administrative Ticket or something similar <br />while many others have mandatory fines. <br />• All cities allow resident's time extensions for bringing a property into <br />compliance if there is a valid reason. These reasons would typically <br />include.- medical, physical, and financial reasons, or, if the owner were <br />cooperating and making progress towards compliance. <br />• All cities performed abatements, however, mostly only for grass and <br />snow violations. Most staff stated they preferred the citation process. <br />• All cities use the court citation process; most issuing 2-15 per year. No <br />other city staffs are required to obtain council approval before the <br />issuance of a citation. <br />• Nine of ten cities have rental registration or rental licensing programs. <br />• Four of ten cities have point-of-sale inspection programs. <br />• Seven of ten cities have formal or informal programs to canvas <br />neighborhoods to observe and act upon code violations. <br />2.3 Innovative programs observed.- <br />• Seven had neighborhood inspection type programs to eliminate public <br />nuisance violations and promote property maintenance improvements, <br />I <br />such as Shoreview's SHINE program (brochure attached). <br />• Hennepin County has court citations which require the mandatory <br />payment of a fine but do not require attendance before a judge in a <br />court hearing. <br />Escalating fines for non-compliance - $,100, $,250, $,500 if the <br />property owner does not pay the fines, and/or does not bring the <br />I <br />property into compliance, a court citation is then issued). <br />Fines which are not paid - being assigned to taxes for collection. <br />Charging fees for abatements and re-inspections to help offset the cost <br />of code enforcement operations. <br />Free trash pick-up for citizens at an off-site location once a year <br />(costly). <br />Feedback cards sent with each violation notice. <br />Brochures about property maintenance and common violations that are <br />sent with first notice of violation. <br />2-3 minute segments about nuisance codes and property maintenance <br />placed on cable channels. <br />2.4 Trends observed include.- <br />• Aging-in-place populations not performing necessary house <br />maintenance. <br />• Cities becoming more proactive enforcing housing code regulations <br />I <br />(but also providing assistance programs). <br />Page 2 of 3 <br />C:\Documents and S,ettings\margaret.driscoll\LocaI S,ettings\Temporary Internet <br />Files\OLKD6\RCAPrePacketCodeEnforcDlscussO2252007.doc <br />