Laserfiche WebLink
.......... . ................... ............ . . <br />. ............... ........ .. . ......... . .... . .. . ........ ....... ..... . . <br />........ ........... . ....................... . .. . ... <br />... ..... . . . ....................... . .. .... .. . . ... <br />... . .. .. ...... ........... ..... . .......... <br />....... . .. ... <br />. . . .... .. .... ... . .......... .. ..... ..... . <br />................ ..... ...... . ......... .......... . ...... <br />. . . ........ <br />Regulations You Sho, uld Kxi.ow <br />PROPERTY MAINTENANCE MOTOR VEHICLE PARKING <br />HousingMaintenance on-street <br />.. I I I �_- I I <br />1"he %e, x 1 e rio r o all r-side.i.itial dwelli. il, Q <br />47 <br />a <br />accesso.ry st"ruct d llle <br />ures an fie i -.i. c e s shall b., <br />i-nzlntained- Ln t1,-,(.)od renair, rally sound <br />stru.CtU. <br />breat to the <br />and sanitary so as not to pose a 1U.* <br />pub.1.1c h.ealth., zsafiDty or welfare, <br />I ;E <br />All %exterior sur-faces,, but not 11JRIA".d. <br />to, s1ding, doors, doo.r a.nd window fl-ran.-kes, <br />porches., roofs., 41-rini, soffits and fascia_ eav_s <br />oii <br />ie <br />and c-Tune',rS, bal C-. S <br />sh a I I b <br />in -ood <br />1111i'1111M, Iflect <br />condition. <br />Garbait-weiRefuse <br />-All as n- an. d garbagcl.n-iEst be kept 1.111 <br />taterl I <br />Closed contairier, stored Linside a bulldiii�--4. <br />I <br />s0-1reelled from public v.,iew. Refus%e containers <br />and recvc-lino carts can-not be sl-Dred in the fro.nt <br />,j <br />and or In. your drivewa.v of the property exiCept <br />.1 <br />on. the day of collection. by a license'A liauler,, <br />Outside Storage <br />AH materials and innwsa be stored <br />Witbin a buildIng. w�th the exception of patio <br />furniture., -,.,ecreatiom-fl equipme1fit, and <br />firewood. Firewood is pernutted. within the side <br />and rear yard ,Eirea provided it is no closte"r 1han <br />..V line a d is kept ' <br />trom any propert,,, n in a <br />live feet <br />Sal fiel al-id neat st"�14& no higher than Six If et. <br />Lawns, trees, shrubs and brush <br />All resIdenalal Droperties 111.Ust have a.ti <br />establislied lawi-i., Lawns niust be kept shorter <br />than 9 inches in. <br />Ail.y b.-RlSh, 1C',1VC,. Or grass and weed pp .g <br />SlIOUld be disposed of promptly and properly — <br />14 11 <br />not oil Dublhc propertV., open sq,Mces. wetland <br />a1reas, or within drainage ways, <br />betvVe%. <br />Vehl-to.-les niay n-ot be parked o.i,, City streets -n <br />the hours of 2,00 a.m., ai:id -5,00 a..m, Perimits 1.-'(.)r <br />spel..-ial c1r_C14m.St_a.,1[1CCS suct-i as driveway repan-, may <br />be obtained ftom tli-e ('11'.. to tem:poirar. . pairk on- <br />1t be, <br />street tot- a nii n i.m.a -n <br />al period.. PerIits w i l I no <br />issueld for st.reets posted as "No Parking" u1n.less a <br />Spe,,C-ial Events Permit is ,i,..qwred. Call fl e alt <br />(65 11490-4657 fior apj-,-�roval, <br />Vk_-hi(_Aes rnay.-t-iot be parked on. boulevards, lawns,, oi- <br />ble veh'.cles <br />o-raSS Riots, U110.11cen-sed and./or inopelrfcl .2 <br />�n A <br />iann I.-Yty un less in. a completelv <br />1/ .. ot be stored on. prope <br />el"..Clos.led buildilh7 <br />I <br />"Tor S a Ie" <br />CaI-s, recreational vepic Ales, boats aid trailers that. ar <br />""For SaIC" cannut be pia: k on Public propertly <br />uI.ClUdino street boul� varils, school parking lots, park <br />areas, or corntnewial shopping centers, 0ii private <br />propertv Vehicles inust b%-, parked Oil aTi approved <br />surface <br />Recreationa.1 Storage <br />OUtSide st,"orage of bolats, <br />snown.Iobfles., and orie reer attional vehicle suefil as a <br />m ty- <br />otor home may b sor <br />e, teu Oil o <br />prperf-, <br />* In the rear yar0l at lea-st 1.0 feett from. rear -r)roperty, <br />Line and 5 feet, from side i)ro,p_-Q­rty 1 �ry <br />* in the side ya,i.-d' at least 5 feet froni. rope -- line <br />In. the ficon t yard on. a driveway surlace al' 'Icast "S <br />fice-t- from the front propl-C-i-ty 11nic not fob t�.e <br />.Note: Corner lot owners 5.110 . Id <br />a.L <br />call t"Or setbac' Ji L ..r <br />Commercial. Vehicles <br />C'0111111"CJ"Clal ve.11-1.1es that ­,,xceed One to -i carryi <br />capac-,,ty or 1.',2.000 pounds eyross vehielle weidit may <br />not 'be stored or parked on a regular basis in any <br />�=11 <br />orhood,, No more than <br />r1esidilential n c i go, i i b <br />couti-n-ierclal vehicle of C-Uiiy z";1ze beairing cornmerclal <br />advertising, identit"ication, or equip.nient [nay be <br />stored. outside, <br />