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FAIRRMITITIM, F.111 <br />2. Question — Can the fee be split between each unit? <br />Answer HRA Staff - Each Westwood Village I unit has its own prop"rty <br />address and PIN number which the total fee would be evenly split between <br />each unit owner and applied to their taxes as a special assessment. However, <br />any owner can pay off the total fee immediately or pay off earlier than the term <br />determined. <br />3.1 In addition, the HRA and City Council must consider how to finance the up-front costs of <br />the project estimated to be $1 - $1.2 million. <br />1. Consideration -The program is like a special tax assessment with limited fisk to the <br />City or taxpayers. The City could loan the HRA funds to finance the program. In <br />turn, the HRA can designate that the funds be applied to the property within the HIA <br />which are paid back through assessments over a period of years. There can be an <br />agreement between the HIS. and City to payback the loan with interest based upon <br />the semi-annual collection of the fee from the taxes. The City Finance Director & <br />HRA staff have been working together to evaluate the best mechanism to finance the <br />program in partnership with the HRA or through other alternatives. At the November <br />210'h Council Work Session, a memo was prepared that outlined the financial policy <br />issues as well as public purpose issues associated with this project. The memo is <br />attached and summarized as follows: <br />a. Financing Strategy — Housing Bonds - The City could take an approach <br />similar to street improvements with a housing improvement area. This <br />would entail issuing housing revenue bonds, making the capital <br />contribution, and then assessing the property owners. However, the <br />proposed project will require approximately $1 million, which is <br />relatively small for new bond issues. Generally speaking, the issuance <br />costs for a bond of this size is relatively high compared to a much larger <br />issue. As a result, the City typically does not issue bonds of this size. <br />Options - If the Westwood Village project was incorporated into a <br />muen larger housing bond issue — say $ 3 million or more, then the <br />issuance costs become less of a factor, and the financing package <br />becomes more favorable. With several other older comvlexes in the <br />community, this tool may be a viable option to encourage <br />reinvestment and reduce future blight. <br />■ A survey of the associations could be conducted to understand the <br />future improvement needs and the Council could reevaluate if <br />there is a larger public need for this tool. If that appears to be <br />true, issuing bonds for this program cony be a viable option. <br />b. Financing Strategy — Cash Loan - As an alternative to issuing housing <br />bonds, the City could choose to simply make a cash loan to Westwood <br />Village for through the HIS. to Westwolod Village 1). The loan would <br />HIA Public Hearing (12- 18 -06) -Page 3 of 8 <br />