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FAIRRMITITIM, V.111 <br />d. In addition, 54%, of the households are over the age of 55. <br />4.3 Is the Association fund balance insufficient to pay for the improvements?— <br />City/HRA staff has not reviewed the association finances at this time. However, it is <br />suggested that if the council wishes to proceed with the evaluation, they should direct <br />staff to review this information. The association has indicated that they have been unable <br />to secure outside private financing at a reasonable level and that they currently do not <br />have sufficient reserves to cover the improvement cost. The association is currently in <br />the process of updating their legal documents and is prepared to have a long term <br />financial plan prepared to cover future capital improvements as part of this project. <br />4.4 What is the total cost of the improvements? According to the association, they have <br />received estimates for 1 s*d* 1 1 <br />ing, fasc*a and roof replacement *n the amount of $1 - $1.2 <br />ill ion. As part of this pr *ect, the c* 1 1 1 <br />m 01 ity building offs * al w * 11 review any bids received * ved to <br />determine if they will meet their specifications for improvements and include an adequate <br />contingency amount for unforeseen deterioration that may be found as the improvements <br />are made. <br />a. This information will need to be collected and certified by the City prior to the <br />conclusion of 6months from the date of the public bearing— June 11,200 6 so that <br />a fee resolution can he considered. The final amount of the improvements plus <br />administration costs and interest will determine the total amount of the fee. The <br />fee resolution does not take affect until 45 days after adoption. Within that <br />timeframe if 35%, or more of the owners file an objection to the establishment of <br />the ordinance for the HIA, the ordinance does not become effective. Of, if owners <br />of 3 5 percent or more of the housing units' tax capacity subj ect to the fee that is <br />set by resolution file an objection with the city, the resolution does not become <br />effective. <br />b. Like any other city assessment, the fee can he prepaid to avoid payment of accrued <br />interest. <br />4. What at would be the estimated financial advantage of a HIA compared to private <br />financing? The town home association would require a payback term of either 15 or 20 <br />years. One of the benefits and advantages of the HIA is a longer term than traditional <br />financing. Typical home equity financing is 7 years. Based upon a $1 million total <br />project amount that would he split evenly between all of the 47 units, the following <br />illustrates bank financing compared to HIS. financing. For residents with low-moderate <br />incomes, a savings of $1,800-$2,000 per year is significant. <br />HLA Public Hearing (12-18-06) -Page 6 of 8 <br />
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