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Collection of Past Due <br />Collection of county receivables for state- operated services that are 90 <br />Accounts <br />days or more overdue will be pursued by DH S. The state books savings <br />of $2.2 million In FY 2009. <br />Child Care <br />Nearly $1. million one -time increase ase in MFIP Tran siti.on Year Child- <br />Care <br />Transfer of $9,2 million from the Basic Sliding Fee "surplus}' fand to <br />the General Fund In FY2009. The "surplus" is usually redistributed to <br />counties who have spent beyond, their child care allotments. <br />.l FIP- Supported Work <br />An additional $7.1 million is provided to counties for FY2009 and <br />Grants to Counties <br />FY20 10 for support work grants. The state also assumes savings of $4.4, <br />million over FY 2009-1.0 from the Diversions work Pro ram -r <br />-.'Realth' Care-, <br />Health Care Reforms <br />In the end, the health care reform initiative that passed was a trimmed - <br />dean version of the original vision of Ana *or systems changes. Major <br />components include: <br />Appropriations of o million in FY20 1. o and 7 million in FYI I <br />from the Health Care Access Fund (HCAF) for reductions in. rates of <br />obesity; over- weight and tobacco use. Funds are available to local <br />public health as competitive grants. A local match of 10% is required, <br />and funds cannot be used to supplant current expenditures for similar <br />efforts. <br />I1 n ARE the eligibility for adults with no children is expanded to <br />include annual gross incomes. of 0% F'P , up from the current limit <br />of 215% <br />Mn are eligibility for parents of MnCare- -covered children is expanded <br />to include annual gross incomes of $57,500 <br />Mn are enrollment and renewal is simplified <br />Ent' to encourage coordinated care amongst health care <br />providers by establishing "health care homes"" <br />Bundling of services to address common chronic condition that are <br />main drivers of health care costs, such as diabetes and heart disease. <br />T ax credits for premium costs targeted for moderate income earners <br />currently without insurance <br />Public HeAlth <br />Ban on Specific Plastic <br />The Public Health policy Bill, which contained a ban on phthalate <br />Additives <br />additives to products likely to be used by children, was vetoed by the <br />Governor. Another provision that would have banned the plastic additive <br />known as B PA, was deleted from another omnibus bill during conference <br />committee negotiations. <br />