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Truth in Taxation Change in the date required for Truth- in Taxation hearings allows <br />Hearing counties to hold meetings anytime during the. week of the second Tuesday <br />in December <br />Sales Tax Exemption for The sales tax exemption is expanded for the project. Tni tiall Y the tax gust <br />Central Corridor be aid., but up. to 5 m- illion will be refunded for 2010 and 11. <br />Deed & Mortgage Tax The expired deed and mortgage tax was extended for Ramsey and <br />Hennepin Counties only, to fund. the Environmental Response Fund <br />ERF . <br />The 2008 Omnibus Transportation Bill} which was passed early in the session, taps various <br />sources for additional funding to address road and bridge repairs, replacement and construction <br />and transit needs. The Governor vetoed the hill, but an override by the Legislature ultimately <br />ensured. passage into law. A recap of that bill will be included in the End -of- Session Report, <br />which will be provided within the: next 2 weeks, <br />11 <br />