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Roseville, MN - Official Website Page 3 of 22 <br /> dated June 20, 2011 from City Attorney Bartholdi to Finance Director Chris Miller) <br /> McGehee moved, Willmus seconded, approval of a Joint Powers Agreement (IPA - <br /> Attachment A) between the Cities of Maplewood and Roseville for the purposes of sharing <br /> information technology; and amended agreement to Section 11.5 of Page 8; and; and <br /> additional language to Section 8.5, as recommended by the City Attorney as above- <br /> referenced. <br /> Roll Call <br /> Ayes: Johnson; Pust; Willmus; McGehee; and Roe. <br /> Nays: None. <br /> 12. General Ordinances for Adoption <br /> 13. Presentations <br /> Recess <br /> Mayor Roe recessed the meeting at approximately 6:11 pm and reconvened at approximately 6:14 pm. <br /> a. Leisure Vision Parks and Recreation Survey <br /> Parks and Recreation Director Lonnie Brokke and Assistant Parks and Recreation Director <br /> Jill Anfang were present for tonight's presentation, in addition to a majority of the Park <br /> and Recreation Commissioners. It was noted that the City Council had received a copy of <br /> the full report on June 10, 2011; and a public copy of the full report is available in the <br /> Parks and Recreation Department at City Hall. <br /> Mr. Brokke advised that Ron Vine, President of Leisure Vision was scheduled to attend; <br /> however, due to flight delays in Chicago, was unable to make tonight's meeting. <br /> Therefore, Mr. Brokke introduced Mr. Vine via conference call to address the meeting by <br /> speaker phone and provide a summary of the statistically-valid community interest and <br /> opinion survey results from Leisure Vision, Inc. for presentation to the public and City <br /> Council. Mr. Brokke noted that the purpose of the survey, immediately following the <br /> Parks and Recreation Master Plan process, was to formally present and gauge the level of <br /> interest and comfort level of citizen financial support and to assist in identifying step one <br /> projects identified during the process. <br /> Mr. Vine apologized for being unable to attend; and with staff, the presentation was done <br /> by Power Point. <br /> Mr. Vine noted that the level of interest exceeded expectations; with 760 responses <br /> received, over and above the anticipated 600 surveys and indicating a random sampling <br /> level of 95%, with a margin of error of +/-3.6%. Mr. Vine advised that the initial <br /> breakdown of results was done as follows: households with or without children; location <br /> of residence; gender; age of respondents; number of years in Roseville; amount of <br /> additional taxes they were willing to pay for their preferred improvements; and voting. <br /> Mr. Vine reviewed survey results and graphs by question and in detail, including items <br /> such as current usage and satisfaction with the Roseville parks and recreation system, <br /> with Mr. Vine noting that the usage is very high through all four (4) survey sectors of the <br /> City, with walking and biking trails indicated as the most-used facilities. Highlights made <br /> by Mr. Vine included 81% of the households surveyed had visited Central Park over the <br /> last twelve (12) months, with that being the most-visited park in the City at 74%; and <br /> usage of parks at an 89% level in each sector, significantly higher than the national <br /> benchmark of 72%. <br /> Mr. Vine noted that the excellent ratings of the community's parks were higher than the <br /> national benchmark of 31%; with 40% of the respondents rating them excellent, 55% <br /> rating them good, and 40% rating them excellent; with only 5% rating them as fair. Mr. <br /> Vine alerted the City Council that, as policy maker, their decisions on service levels could <br /> be based on best practice budgeting for results, both short and long-term, and whether to <br /> retain the status quo or do better. <br /> 125&PREVIEW-YES 7/25/2011 <br />