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Commissioner positions to RAH ). I've also been active in my neighborhood's efforts to coordinate with the <br /> District's plans for the Fairview fields. <br /> Please state your reasons for wanting to serve on the Commission/Board:: It seems to be a meaningful way to <br /> use my studies and professional shills in nay community, supporting local civic engagement. <br /> What is your view of the role of this Commission/Board`: It is to advise the City Council on matters involving <br /> human rights in our community, and to also educate the community on human rights issues while inviting civic <br /> engagement through these programs. <br /> Any further information you would like the City Council to consider or that you feel is relevant to the <br /> appointment or reappointment you are seeping.: I have enjoyed working with the Human Fights Commission <br /> over the last few months, and I would welcome the opportunity to continue this work. <br /> I understand that information provided in this application may be distributed by the City to the public including, <br /> but not limited to,being posted on the City of Roseville web s ite. I agree to waive any and all claims under the <br /> Minnesota Government Data Practices Act, or any other applicable state and federal law,that in any way related <br /> to the dissemination to the public of information contained in this application that would be classified as private <br /> under such laws. I understand that I may contact the responsible authority for the City of Roseville if I have any <br /> questions regarding the public or private nature of the information provided.: Yes <br /> Occasionally City staff gets requests from the media or from the public for ways to contact Commission <br /> members. The Commission roster is periodicaly made available. Tease indicate which information the City <br /> may releasc to someone who requests it or that may be included on the Commission roster. Under NIN Statute <br /> 12.60 1. subd. 3(b), either a telephone or electronic mail address (or both)where you can be reached must be <br /> made available to the public. Tease indicate at least one phone number or one email address to be available to <br /> the public, and fill in the corresponding information in the below.: Horne Phone Number <br /> Horne Phone : 651-207-4090 <br /> Work Phone <br /> Cell Phone: <br /> Preferred Email Address: <br /> I havc read and understand the statements on this form, and I Hereby swear or affirm that the statements on this <br /> form are true. : Yes <br /> Additional I nformat ion: <br /> Form submitted on:.12/16/20112:10:46 PM <br /> Submitted from IP Address: <br /> Referrer Page: http://www.c' <br /> Form Address: http://www.c' <br /> 2 <br />