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qASPAL+E <br />REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION <br />Date: 4/18/11 <br />Item No.: 7.j <br />Department Approval City Manager Approval <br />Item Description: 3053 Chatsworth Street Subdivision Update <br />1 BACKGROUND <br />2 At the October 25, 2010 City Council meeting, the City Council approved the subdivision of the <br />3 lot located at 3053 Chatsworth Street contingent on the applicant submitting a topographic <br />4 survey and grading/ storm water management plan for City approval and implementation of the <br />5 approved plan shall be a necessary condition of the administrative approval. Attached is the new <br />6 survey for the subdivision. <br />7 Since that time, Engineering staff has been working with the Developer on meeting the City of <br />s Roseville's requirements for drainage on these lots. What follows is a summary of the results of <br />9 that coordination: <br />10 • The Developer is constructing a storm sewer pipe to ensure that the storm water that <br />11 currently moves through the site will be able to do so after the new house is built. This <br />12 pipe has the capacity for the 1, 2, 10 and 100 year events for the drainage area. To ensure <br />13 that the natural drainage is maintained, preventing damage to other properties in the area, <br />14 construction of the pipe will precede any footing or foundation work for this lot. <br />15 • Permanent erosion control measures will be constructed as a part of the storm water <br />16 design. Including energy dissipation and channel stabilization. <br />17 • The Developer obtained a Rice Creek Watershed District permit for the site. <br />18 • Easements will be dedicated for the proposed pipe and existing ditch on the site. <br />19 POLICY OBJECTIVE <br />20 To provide flood protection for all residents and structures as well as protect the integrity of <br />21 conveyance channels and stormwater detention areas, the City requires that new subdivisions not <br />22 block natural drainage. <br />23 FINANCIAL IMPACTS <br />24 There is no direct financial impact to the City of Roseville. <br />25 STAFF RECOMMENDATION <br />26 Staff has reviewed the topographic survey and grading/ storm water management and has found <br />27 it to be consistent with the City's goals and policies. The proposed subdivision will not block <br />28 the natural drainage of water. <br />29 REQUESTED COUNCIL ACTION <br />3o None at this time. <br />31 <br />Prepared by: Debra Bloom, City Engineer <br />Attachments A: Subdivision Survey <br />Page 1 of 1 <br />