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with Attachments III and IV; ii) were expended by the Grantee but subsequentl <br />reimbursed to Grantee or its agents, or iii) constitute a total reimbursement in excess o <br />50% of the actual eligible spending will be repaid to the Council 'if paid and the unearne <br />fy,art of the award canceled. <br />Contents of Article III have been deliberately omittcd from this Agreement. <br />Article IV <br />S-4,.LE <br />Section 4.01 Sale. The Grantee shall not sell any part of its ownership interest in <br />the Real Property and Facility unless all of the following provisions have been complied <br />with fully. <br />A. The Grantee detemines,, by offilcial action, that such ownership intere <br />is no longer usable or needed for the operation of the Governmental Pro <br />'e e <br />which such detennination may be based on a determination that the portion oof th <br />Real Property or Facility to which such ownership interest applies is no longe <br />suitable or financially feasible for such purpose. <br />B. The sale is made as authofized by law. <br />The Grantee may participate in any public auction of its ownership interest in the <br />Real Property and Facility and bid thereon; provided that the Grantee agrees that 'if it is <br />[a <br />