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MEET] ?4 G 4.27-81 <br />REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION DATE: <br />=MENCENOMM <br />At that hearing Murphy Motors and Roberts Construction representative appeared <br />requesting that the assesswents not be at that level but rather at a much lower <br />figure. The matter was, therefore, continued for deliberation purposesf <br />b <br />Based on the input from the-property owners, some preliminary appraisals were obtainei <br />for the property indicating a 30 - 40 percent assessment rate as being reasonable and <br />defendable. A discussion was, therefore,, held with Murphy Motor to obtain their re- <br />action to an assessment rate on this project, in the percent Magnitude. <br />They have advi.qed the stafl� that they are in favor of this approa-ch and would support <br />its <br />��ecommended Council Act Adoption of a resolution ordering the reconstruction <br />of Long Lake Road from County Road C to Terminal Road <br />and Terminal Road from Long Lake Road to St. Croix Street <br />identified as Project 79-21; and ordering the preparation <br />of plans and specifications. I <br />