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MEETING 4-27-31 <br />REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION DATE: . mmmba� <br />The Minor Variance Board at an April 23, 1981 hearing recommended approval of the <br />Joseph Lobe request for minor variance to front yard setback requirements due to <br />unusual site conditions. <br />The applicant proposes to construct a two car garage in front of the house to within <br />16 feet of the property 1 ine. The normal setback required is 30 feet, however, homes <br />on both sides of Fernwood are generally set back 35 to 40 feet. <br />Attached i's a site plan and map indicating consenting property owners. <br />%.0 <br />Council Action Requested: Motion (approving) (denying) the <br />Joseph Lobe request for minor variance <br />at 2772 Fernwood Avenue. <br />