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Kehr �Ioved, Johnson Seconded, that the Council , join with PROCLAMATION <br />the Mayor in declaring the week of May 10 <br />m-Law Enforcement Week" in the City of Roseville. Roll Call <br />Ayes: Johnson, Kehr, Franke and Demos, Nays: None. <br />Bwl Johnson Moved, Kehr Seconded, that the public hearing NEWSPAPER <br />to consider the proposed ordinance newspaper TUBE <br />tubes be continued to the July 13, 1981, regular Council ORDINANCE <br />meeting, Roll Call . Ayes Johnson, Kehr, Franke and <br />Demos. Nays: NoneS <br />B-2 Franke Moved, Kehr Seconded,, that Donald Woebkenberg's D014ALD <br />request for relocation of dwelling to 1894 North Chatsworth 1 <br />,,,, i r, Frnk and Derms. Nays,: Nonet <br />VACANCY ON <br />PARK & RECREATION <br />COMMITTEE <br />E-1 Kehr Moved, Johnson Seconded, that the Lake Owasso Safe LAKE OWASSO <br />Boating -Association 's request 'for water ski' course ■ nd <br />r SAFE BOATINJI <br />jump on Lake Owasso be approved. Roll Call, Ayes: Johnson, ASSOCIATION— <br />Kehr,, Franke and Demos. Nays., None . <br />