<br />Regular Meeting of the City Council - June 22, 1981* 7:30 P,M,
<br />The City Council met on the above date with the following
<br />members present.9 Mayor Demos, Councilmen Kehr, Curle_y,
<br />Franke and Johnson,
<br />Rehr Moved, Fran,ke Seconded, that Resolution No. 7171 RESOLUTION
<br />0 m
<br />recogn-izing Jean Weston for her service to the community NO 7171
<br />as a member of the Parks and Recreation Board be adopted,
<br />Rol I Cal 1 9 Ayes :1 Kehr, Curlev, Fran1,1,4e, Johnson and Demos,
<br />Nays:. None,
<br />4
<br />Curley Moved,, Kchr Seconded, that Resolution No. 7172
<br />adopting a Request for Proposals for cable communi"catilons
<br />NO, 7172
<br />system for the City of Roseville be adopted. Roll Call,
<br />Ayes: Rehr, Curley, Franke,,� Johnson and Deinos. N a%%, s,: H1 o n e,
<br />B-2 Rehr Moved:, Curley Seconded,, tuat- the St, Paul and Sub-
<br />ST, PAUL AHD
<br />urban Bus. Company request for special use permift at 2-01.75
<br />Partridge Road be apprwed with the cond1tion that the
<br />Parking lot and driveways be blacktopped b June 21, 1982;
<br />y
<br />and that the sidewalk be construc-ted as re q , .i-ired by C I* ,c
<br />ly
<br />Code. Roll Call, Ayes.- Kehr, Curley, Franke, Jo1inson and
<br />Demos, Nays: None.
<br />D-1 Kehr Moved, Johnson Seconded that the Council reconsider
<br />PET IT I ON
<br />the Merrill P-81-7) and 21-ernwood (P-81-4) projects, Roll
<br />4 if
<br />Call, Ayes.a Kehr and Johucon,- Nays CLIrley�l F'ran[%e and
<br />Demo s .
<br />E-1 Kehr Moved, Johnson Scconded, that Tim Heil's request 17or TIM HEIL
<br />a
<br />extension of minor variance to front yard setbac,",-. at 500
<br />19nl
<br />Roselawn Avenue until December 23, be approved. Ro I
<br />01
<br />Ca I I Ayes Kehw, Curley, Franke, Johnson and Demos. Nays.
<br />None
<br />E-2 Curley Moved, Kehr Seconded, that John Newman's reqUC-St JOHN Nr_-";,1MAN
<br />for variance to floor area ratloo and rear and side yard
<br />setback at 1990 Dellwood be approved, Roll Call, Ayes,
<br />Kehr, Curley, Franl,%"e, Johnson and Demos. Nsys4p ?a
<br />T4
<br />