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MEETING 9-14-81 <br />REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION D AT E.* - <br />The Council has previously approved Mr.'-LeMay's request for p.reliminary plat' at 360 We--st <br />County Road C. with the following-condi-tions'. <br />1. That 10 feet of additional right...of.w6y be-dedicated on <br />ounty Road C <br />2. That the dtvislons occur*as a plat rather than as metes and"bounds <br />3. That a drainage and pondl*hg easement be provided over the so'uthern- portion <br />of Lots and subject to the approval of the Public Works Director, <br />The Publ ic Works Di rector has reviewed th6 f inal pl at as submitted by'Mr,, LeMay'and <br />indicates that conditions 1 and 2 have been met, The drainage easement as required by <br />condition 3 has been provided, however, the north boundary of the' drainage easement does <br />b 1q a <br />not coincide with the edge of the watland. The PUD11C Works Director recommends that a <br />condition be included to correct this erro'r. Mr'. LeMay has agreed to t-his condition, <br />Attached is the Planner's report, <br />- Council Action Requested: Motion (approving) -(denying) Gerald LeMay"S <br />request for final plat at "360-West County Road C; <br />and if approved,, with the condition that the north <br />0 <br />boundary of the draina�e easement coincide with the <br />edge of the wetland, <br />