Regular Meeting of the City Council - September 28, 1981. 7:30 P.M*
<br />The City Council met on the above dates with the following
<br />members present: Mayor Demos,, Councilmen Johnson (arrived al-I
<br />8:00 p.m.), Franke, Kehr and Curley.
<br />Kehr Moved, Franke Seconded, that the Council Join with the PROCLAMATION
<br />Mayor in proclaiming the week of October 11 through 17:, 1981
<br />Is "Alpha Delta Kappa Week" in the City of Roseville. Roll
<br />Call,, Ayes.- Franke, Kehr, Curley and Demos, Nays: None*
<br />A-1
<br />Curley Moved, Kehr Seconded, that the minutes of the Regular
<br />Meeting of September 14, 1981, be approved. Roll Call, Ayes,.-
<br />Franke, Kehr, Curley and Demos. Nays-. [lone.
<br />C-1
<br />Kehr Moved, Franke Seconded, that a Special Meeting be estab-
<br />lished for Wednesday, November 4th, at 5:30 p.m,. in the City
<br />Hall for the purpose of canvassing the regular election. Roll
<br />Call, Ayes,: Franke, Kehr, Curley and Demos. Nays,-, NoneS
<br />E-1
<br />Curley Moved,, Kehr Seconded, that Jerome Jani■ sh's'request for
<br />a 9
<br />minor variance to side yard setback at 2084 Irene Street be
<br />■
<br />approved. Roll Call, Ayes. Franke, Kehr, Curley and Demos.
<br />Nays-. None,
<br />-2
<br />Kehr Moved, Franke Seconded, that Don Roberts request for a
<br />buildi I ng permi 0 t for building an addition at 222 North
<br />McCarrons Boulevard be approved, as required by the Shoreline
<br />Zoning Ordinance. Roll-Call, Ayes: Franke, Kehr, Curley and
<br />Demos. Nays: None,
<br />E-3
<br />Curley Moved, Kehr Seconded, that the Y.M.C.A.'s Camp DuNord
<br />and Widjiwagan request to hold a second garage sale in 1981
<br />on October 8, 9, 10, and 11 at 1170 West County Road B be
<br />approved, Roll Call, Ayes-, Franke, Kehr, Curley and Demos.
<br />Nayso. None.
<br />E-4
<br />Curley Moved, Kehr Seconded, that Resolution No. 7256 declare%
<br />®
<br />ing the adequacy of a petition for the reconstruction of
<br />NO, 7256
<br />■
<br />Patton Road from Stanbridge Street to Brenner Street,
<br />mdentffifled as 1
<br />i I I improvement P-81-23; and ordering the prepara-
<br />5
<br />tion of a feasibility report for thi's improvement be adopted,
<br />Roll Call, Ayes: Franke, Kehr, Curley and Demos, Nays: None,
<br />