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5 - <br />9, Successor. In the event the Legion Post ceases to exist <br />and merges with or is succeeded by another Legion Post within the <br />County of Ramsey, which successor Legion Post sponsors a baseball <br />team, such successor Legion Post shall have the sane rights and <br />obligations as the Legion Post has under this agreement. <br />Enforcement. In the event of a violation of r agree <br />meet, the Legion Past shall have no reversion rights in the <br />dedicated property, The Legion Post's sole and a c t us i e remedy <br />shall be final and binding arbitration to compel compliance with <br />this agreement. The following procedure shall be used in the <br />event the Legion Pest alleges a violation of the agreement and <br />desires to seek compliance. <br />a, Within ninety ( 9 o ) days of becoming aware of the <br />alleged violation. the Legion Pest will advise the <br />City Manager of the alleged violation, in writing, <br />and of its appointment of a representative to be a <br />member of a tripartite arbitration panel. <br />b. within thirty ( 30 ) days of receiving such notice, the <br />City will respond, in writing, and will advise the <br />Legion Post of its appointment of a representative <br />to the arbitration panel. <br />C, The representatives so appointed shall agree upon a <br />neutral chairman of the panel and the matter shall <br />be forthwith submitted to the panel for resolution. <br />The majority decision of the panel shall be final <br />and binding upon the parties <br />d. The arbitration award rendered by the panel may be <br />enforced pursuant to the Minnesota Uniform Arbitration <br />Act (Minnesota statutes chapter- 572) . <br />