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Special Meeting of the City Council - November 12, 1981, 5.00 P <br />The City Council met on the above date with the following <br />members present: Franke, ehr, Johnson, and Demos. Absent: <br />Curley, <br />G-1 Franke Moved, Kehr Seconded., that Resolution No. 72719 RESOLUTION NO <br />declaring a moratorium on development of certain land in the 7271 <br />City of Roseville be appToved. Roll Call, Ayes: Franke., <br />Kehr, Johnson., and Demos. Nays: None. I <br />Franke Moved, Johnson Seconded <br />at 5:45 p.m. Roll Call, Ayes: <br />Demos. Nays: None, I <br />that the meeting be adjourned ADJOUR,\3ENT <br />Franke, Kehr, Johnson., and <br />Mayor <br />City Manager <br />