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Commonly Used To and Definitions. <br />Ordinance A law enacted by the municipal governing body. <br />Resolution Formal declaration of a specific action. pertaining to a specific set <br />of circumstances. <br />Rezoning Change in the zoning classification of a parcel of land requiring public <br />hearing before the Planning Commission and Council. ((",cuncii approval <br />requires 4/5 majority), <br />Building Permit issued by the City allowing the recepient to construct or remodel <br />Permit a structure which conforms with the code. <br />Special Use Land use allowed in a particular zoning classification but requiring a <br />permit which may be issued after public hearings before the Planning <br />Commission and the Council. <br />Vari'ance A deviation from code requirements when there are practical difficulties <br />or unusual hardships in carrying out the provisions of the zoning code. <br />Minor A deviation frorh code requirements for front, side or rear yard setback <br />Variance in R-1 and R-2 zoning districts. <br />Site Plan DTawing or diagram showing all physical facilities on a parcel of lani <br />including building, parking areas, landscaping, access.,, etc. <br />Non Any structure or use of land lawfully existing before the enactment of 0- <br />Conforming specific ordinance which does not confOTM to present zoning regulations <br />( 11grandfathered <br />Division To divide a parcel of land into two lots <br />of Lot <br />'*"Oubdivision To diviode a parcel of land into three or more lots. <br />Final Plat Map or plan of a subdivision, as a final document including all information <br />Tequired on the preliminary plat showing in accurate detail and incorpoTat- <br />ing any necessary changes agree-d to in the preliminary plat. <br />If <br />Reapportion- The distribution to newly formed paTcels of an assessment already levied <br />ment against a parcel of land necessitated by the division or platting of the <br />parcel . <br />-Residense Districts <br />R-1 Single Family <br />R-2 Two Family <br />AK-3 thru R-7 Multiple Family <br />Industrial Districts <br />I-1 LIght <br />1-2 General <br />