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37 general welfare. The storage of gas cylinders in concrete bunkers that are 8 feet in height at <br />38 the rear of the site, which should not be injurious to the surrounding neighborhood, will not <br />39 negatively impact traffic or property values, and will not otherwise harm the public health, <br />40 safety, and general welfare of the community. <br />41 WHEREAS, the Roseville City Council further finds based on the review of specific criteria for <br />42 outdoor storage: <br />43 a. Areas of outdoor activities or storage shall not be located between the principal use and <br />44 the primary public street. The proposal meets this requirement with the cylinder <br />45 bunker /containment area located in the rear yard along the west property line. . <br />46 b. Areas of outdoor activities or storage shall be screened by a solid opaque wall or fence at <br />47 least 8 feet in height. The outdoor storage of the gas cylinders (trigger for CU) will be <br />48 contained within 5 bunkers that are 25 foot wide by 25 foot deep and 8 feet in height. The <br />49 storage bunker achieves the majority of the screening requirement and with the installation <br />50 of gates or another form of screening, the outdoor storage area will meet code requirements. <br />51 The Planning Division continues to work with the applicant of the final design and <br />52 materials to satisfy this requirement. <br />53 c. Aggregates and other granular materials shall be stored in such a way that prevents <br />54 erosion. With no aggregate or granular material being stored on the premises, this condition <br />55 is not applicable. <br />56 d. The Planning Commission and City Council shall give special consideration to the height <br />57 of equipment and materials stored outside and its visibility from nearby properties and <br />58 roadways. The proposal submitted by AirGas and the requirements of the Code (general <br />59 and through the CU process) will effectively address the visibility issue. Specifically, the <br />60 storage of the gas cylinders outdoors in concrete bunkers will screen the outdoor storage of <br />61 cylinder form adjacent business /property view. <br />62 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Roseville City Council, to APPROVE the <br />63 proposed outdoor storage at 2400 Terminal Road as a CONDITIONAL USE in accordance with Section <br />64 § 1009.02 of the Roseville City Code, subject to: <br />65 a. All cylinders shall be stored vertically unless cylinders are designed for horizontal <br />66 storage. <br />67 b. All cylinders shall have protective metal caps over valves at all times. <br />68 c. Non - flammable cylinders shall not be permitted to be stored with flammable cylinders <br />69 The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Council Member <br />70 and upon vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor: ; <br />71 and voted against. <br />72 WHEREUPON said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted. <br />Page 2 of 3 <br />