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CASE NUMBER: 1363 -8 <br />APPLICANT; Marry Schroeder <br />Page 3 <br />these lots would be adversely affected as the traffic on these <br />major thoroughfares increased. The function of these major <br />thoroughfares were, of course, adversely affected inasmuch as <br />the existence of residential driveways with vehicles frequently <br />backing out into the roadway reduced the safety and <br />effectiveness of the roadways to function as major thorough- <br />fares for traffic moving considerable distances. That is why <br />the subdivision regulations adopted by the City in 1959 <br />prohibited the development of lets fronting on such roadways. <br />This required later developers to construct their own minor <br />street system with lots fronting on these streets rather than <br />fronting on the major thoroughfares. In some cases, of course, <br />where there was no alternative, new lots continued to be <br />platted fronting on the thoroughfares. This was always <br />avoided where possible, <br />d. Attached is a copy of a drawing indicating Hairline Avenue on <br />the east side of the subject plat indicating the location-of <br />the access driveways to the plat and that of the properties <br />to the east, You will notice that the let at 2588 Hamline <br />Avenue has direct access to Hamline Avenue and is typical of <br />such early developed parcels with frontage on a mid - section <br />line road. The owner of this property has expressed his <br />concern regarding the location of the access road somewhat <br />north and to the west of his driveway. The problems of this <br />driveway are, of course, inherent in its early development. <br />The question has been raised as to whether or not this <br />driveway leading to the proposed platted area should be moved <br />further north. We have reviewed this with the Engineering <br />Staff and conclude that moving it further north would not <br />only hamper the orderly development of the property, but <br />would have the disadvantage of moving it closer to Dose dace. <br />You will notice the distance indicated on the drawing is <br />approximately 105 feet from curb to curb. The general rule is <br />that major driveways or public streets should not intersect <br />closer than 125 feet as measured the centerline of the <br />intersection roadways. In our opinion and that of the <br />Engineering Staff, the movement of this roadway slightly <br />to the north would not entirely improve the condition at <br />2588 Hamline. <br />e. The southerly most access road to the plat is opposite <br />Christy Circle. This location is most appropriate and not in <br />question. The distance between the two roadways as shown on <br />the drawing is 180 feet, We feel it is of adequate distance <br />to provide reasonable line -of -sight and sight distance to make <br />them a safe intersection. There was concern expressed at the <br />