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Standing Rules of Procedure <br />Rule 1. Regular Meetings. Ragular meetings- o f the Council shall <br />be held at the city Hall on the second and fourth bbndays <br />of each ninth at 7 * 3 0 P . M. A third Monday shall be <br />I reserved for Council works i } <br />�� ons . andor public hearings, . <br />Rile 2. SpeCial Meeting and T brk Sessions., Special rreetings and Mb <br />work sessions rust be called at the request of at least <br />three (3) ambers of the Council. only those items specific'_' <br />ally agreed upon in advance shall be considered. At least <br />4 hours advance notice must be 'given to all hers of the <br />Council prior to the holding of said special rreetings and work <br />sessions and that such notice shall also be posted on the City <br />Hall Bulletin Board at least 24 hours in advance of the special' <br />rre eting . - - <br />Rule Elrerqency Mleetings. Eftergenc ineetings may be called at any <br />time prov:L all rs of the council sib waivers of <br />notice prior to the holding of such ermiergency Ming. <br />Rae 4, Quorum. Three (3 ) mmbers of the council shall. constitute ZL <br />quote . <br />Rule 5. Minutes. As soon as a quorurm is present f : minutes of -the pre— . <br />vious meeting shall be approved as presented or accepted after <br />corrections have been made. <br />Rule 6. Ylations.. Any motion.; by any der, shall -be reduced. to.- <br />urriting upon the request of any mzber. kb motion shall- be <br />pat to vote until it has been stated. . the recorder at <br />� the <br />reLe s t of any rkber of the CooI.l. <br />Rule 7. Minutes of P "otions . -After a motion shall be stated by.. the _ <br />recorder, it shall be i-n possession -of the council, blit. It _ <br />may be withdrawn at any time by the Counciim-an Ares er't—ing . the <br />action .be fore being arrended or acted. upon. All motions .and. <br />arenO"-nts thereto shall be entered upon the minutes and the - <br />vote thereon i,,ihether they be adopted or rejected, <br />Pule 8. Petitions,, Memorials., etc. - - Petitions , nemridls, ana other <br />papers addressed to the Council shall be preseanted• ' b the <br />pr p si �� ing o� f icer or by a �rr.e , er in his/her place , or imy Ice <br />read by -Lhe recorder at the request of a giber = the pre. <br />s 'ding officer. All peti talons , r on als , and o +er o • _ <br />oat dons tvhic- may be filed with or delivered to tle eager <br />prior to the meeting of the Council shall be brought before. <br />the Cc =c i l by the Manager . <br />x e 9. vow. {1 Poll Call shall be called frcm the presiding off'i(�er' s <br />right to his nnr left, except the presiding officer shall xrpte last, <br />(2) Each .individual's vote shall be entered in- the n- dnutes . <br />(3) Any z k r -2r may abstain from void- ng or disqualify <br />hi'miself/irierseml-JE. T r�� rea�cn for disqualification or absen tontxon <br />rr`Lust lie stated hY the r rber and entered in the minutes. if a .� <br />disguali Pies h3rLself Aiersc- 1 f , he she r rte- leave the r <br />,�h�.l the <br />issue is being r±s i ered , t <br />