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A <br />CASE NUMBER: 1297-81 <br />APPLICANT: Union Carbide Corporation <br />4 February 1981 <br />Page Three <br />applicant at greater detail as to the specific lists of gases and liquids <br />to be processed. We will then check that list with the City's Fire <br />Marshall to ascertain for certain that the operations are within the <br />scope of materials and handling methods he considers acceptable. <br />7. In the overall, we f eel that the applicant has made a signif icant and <br />PP I <br />sincere attempt to convert the property to a combination of business and <br />industrial uses Their cooperative efforts - towards addding significant <br />areas of grass, new landscaping, new buildings, repair and refurbishing of <br />the existing buildings, and -the provisions for new curbing for all drive- <br />ways, parking areas, and loading areas w-111, in our opinion, add <br />substantially to the aesthetic quality of the site itself and the <br />contiguous properties. <br />H <br />