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I <br />City of Roseville - 2 ­ December 2. 1980 <br />I. <br />A portion of the existing dock-height builaing will be modified to provide <br />area for packagi i ng oxygen, nitrogen, argon and other gases. The gases are <br />developed from on-site liquid storage tanks and pump-vaporized to 2200 psig <br />for filling steel cylinders which are inspected, cleaned and repaired, as <br />required, Industrial packaged gas cylinder customers include industrial, <br />medical, and hospital business areas, <br />Speciaj,�y Gases PackagLnp <br />a_ <br />- Acety ene Crenerat ton Pa <br />A portion of the existing dock height building will be modiFled to provide an <br />area for processing acetylene. Acetyl-ene. is generpited from carbide-water <br />reaction in a continuous batch process. e carbid is unloaded from hopper truc <br />.0 1 <br />