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REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION <br />AGENDA SECTION'. ORIGINATING DEPT./DIV.'. <br />Reports & Recommendations Adm. <br />1�1 NO. ITEM DESCRIPTION! Review of Ramsey County Comprehensive Plan <br />MEETING <br />DATE'.-.,,. t6-4-80 <br />DEPT. HEAD A PROVAL. <br />j, <br />The Metropolitan Land Planning Act requires the County to submit its Comprehensi-ve Plan <br />to the communities located in the County. This provides an opportunity for the munici- <br />palities to cornment on the plan prior to the review by the Metropolitan Council. Ramsey <br />County's plan has been reviewed by the Recreation Director, Public Works Director and <br />City Planner. The plan is generally consistent with Roseville's Comprehensive Plan; <br />however, it is recommended that the following comments be forwarded to the County. <br />Figure 2,6 indicates the proposed land use for 19904 This shows several <br />0 1 <br />locations in Roseville as having future land use which are not in comp a ii W ancm. <br />with Roseville's Comprehensive Plan. <br />E Figure 3,16 indicates that Alexander Ramsey High School has access from <br />TH 36 when it actually is from County Road B-2. <br />3. Figure 4.1 indicates the location of park and ride lots but does not inclu& <br />the new park and ride facility at the Roseville Ice Arena which is being <br />constructed this year, <br />4, Figure 4.9 indicates the bikeway system for the County but has only the <br />regional bike path system shown, The City of Roseville also has a bike. <br />path network which serves not only recreational but also more functional <br />trips as well which could be included in the comprehensive plan, <br />5, Figure 6.9 appears to have inadvertently left off County Road D from <br />Lexington to Victoria. It i's assumed that this right-of-way is 66 <br />feet in width for the future. <br />6. Figure 6.9 shows future rights-of-way on the County system, There are <br />numerous changes proposed in that system and most of these are concurrei <br />with by the City, however, the City recommends that the following four <br />roadways be kept at the current right-of-way. <br />County Road B. except for the portion between Fry and Pascal <br />which should become 100 feet,, <br />b) Fairview Avenue from County Road B to Roselawn., <br />Hamline Avenue, except for the portion between County Ro r <br />av <br />B and County Road B-2 which should become 100 feet. I <br />d) Lexington Avenue from County Road C to County Road D. <br />7. Figure 7.2 appears to have left off the proposed number of lanes for <br />West Owasso Boulevard from Victoria to the north. This is assumed as <br />a future two lane roadway in 1990, <br />8, Page 3 of the chapter on solid waste. Waste oil is also recovered at <br />the Roseville Public Works garage, <br />The foregoi 9 co ents were reviewed in a meeting with the County Engineer and it was <br />concluded that all of these changes could be incorporated into the Ramsey County Plan. <br />