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.... . I .... . <br />.......... ..... <br />..... W�I.w ..... w, ­- <br />AGENDA SECTION'. ORIGINATING DEPT./M.' <br />I <br />MEETIr4G 6-9.-.80 <br />DATE: AM EMMMMMNNNNNMN*� <br />all-a"Imiffow-Num <br />Reports & Re c ommen da ti o n s <br />',TEM NO ITEM DESCRIPTION-, Resolution authorizing the submission of the MGR. REVIEWED/ RECOMME� <br />lRoseville Comprehensive Plan to the Metropolitan Council for <br />The Planning Commission in September, 1-979 adopted the comprehensive plan and thl; <br />Council authorized the submission of the plan to all adjacent municipallitT*es, <br />affected school districts and the county, The adjacent and affected governmental <br />units had until April 1, 1980, to review and comment on the plan. <br />The Planning Commission at its May 7, meeting adopted the Capital lmprov�ments Plan <br />which i's also included in your packet. The Capital Improvements Plan is essentiall <br />the same as that discussed with the Council at an earlier work session.,, I <br />The Council does not formally adopt the plan at this time but does indicate that the <br />plan has been considered and accepted. <br />The plan may now be submitted to the Metropolitan Council. After the Metro Councills. <br />review, it will be returned to the City with their comments for final consideration <br />and formal adoption by the City Council. <br />Council Action Requested: Motion adopting the resolution submng <br />the Comprehensi a ve Plan and revisions dated <br />May 28, 1980, prepared by Howard Dahlgren <br />Associates to the Metropolitan Council for <br />review under Section 473.175 of the Metropolitar <br />Land Planning Act. <br />