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2ongn:)nly Used T-.Ie=,,..a zoi& De.417-1­ n.*L-,.t 1'02'.I�S% <br />Ordinance A law enacted by the uunJcipal governi-n g, ho& <br />Pesolution Fbnnal declarataLon of a specific action pertai=` g to a specific set of <br />a <br />circumstances. <br />Rezoning Change '10 n the zon-J'Lng classifJcatiLon of a parcel of land requiring publJ-C <br />hearI-ng before the Planning Ccnvission and Council. (Council approval <br />0 4Q a <br />requires 4/5 ma3orlty) <br />ng Plennit issued by the City allowing the recep3".eiit to constnict or rwriodel <br />Pennit a S which conforms W3'.i-.V, sxAe. <br />IV 8 <br />Special Use Land use allowed J-n a particular zon='g classif ication but reqRnr-ing a <br />*t which my be "ssued after public hearings before the P1 a <br />pernu I aming <br />Ccmnission and the CouncJ.1. <br />.;'Ision Th divide a parcel of .1 into three or more lots. <br />Vacation of Process of re1easJ-nq land which was previously dedicated to the City for <br />Right-of-way use as a roadway . <br />Ea errent A parcel of upon Wh I-ch the City or 'Individual has obtained the legal <br />C t <br />right to n-aimtain or cperate a specif ic facill ye <br />F <br />�jfelininary Tentative nap or plan of a proposed subdivision showing legal boundaries, <br />ff-lat rights-of-way, utilities, easements, layout of street, water courses and <br />other features V <br />Residence Districts <br />R-1 S langle Faniily <br />R-2 Two family <br />R- 3 thru. R- 7 A ti le Fami:�Nj <br />cap <br />I-Nosevi'lle zoru" ng -Classi f ications <br />Industrial Distriq* <br />1- 1 light <br />1-2 General <br />