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FOA LHOKEF100 0 31016W <br />CASE NUMBER: <br />APPLICANT: Saint Paul and. Subprban Bus Company <br />LOCATION: Partridge Road. <br />a <br />a.. t <br />ACTION REQUESTED.- Amendment to Zoning ordinance <br />PLANNING CONSIDERATIONS.- <br />1. Two years ago (in the late summer of 1 978 ) Donald Regan requested a special <br />t for the property occupied by the Mr. Print operation on the <br />use permiI <br />west side of Long Lake Road for the purpose of allowing the storage and <br />maintenance of his school bus fleet on that property. A permit was <br />approved on the condition that it tenninate in one year. The following <br />year Mr. Regan had not found another location for the operation and the <br />permit was extended, again with the condition that it terminate in one <br />year while he found a replacement location. <br />2. Mr. Regan has made arrangements for the purchase of a parcel of land on <br />Partridge Road with the intent of relocating the bus storage operation to <br />that site. In the meantime, he has obta,fined a temporary inJunction <br />enjoining the City from terminating his permit at the previous location. <br />Mr. Regan now requests that the City amend the 1-2 Section of the ordinance <br />(the Partridge Road property is zoned 1-2) so as to add the "'storage and <br />maintenance of school and charter buses, including an administrative office, <br />park - s torage facility , drivers 1i nes, dispatch offace , and customer sales <br />and servicing for vehicles" as a special use for the 1-2 District. <br />3. The question at this time then is whether or not to add the use to the <br />Ordinance rather than whether the use should be applied to the specific <br />property in question. <br />It is, of course, necessary to store school buses somewhere so as to make <br />then conveniently available for use, which use, of courser is primary to <br />carry school children to and from school - The nature of the operation., <br />however, generally consists of a large area of asphalt occupied by a large <br />fleet of buses. Thus, the use is not intensive, and is in fact not normally <br />desired in any kind of "industrIal P,-,irk" environment. We suggest that <br />with the limited amount of industrial L-Lknd now available for development <br />in the City, that it would be in the City's best interest to have such <br />parcels more in tens ly deve lobed , an well as to encourage the redevelopment <br />of the many transportation related .facilities which we have in the City <br />to more intensive uses over a period c time. Over a pe•-lod of time, we <br />would particularly look for the development and redevelopment of parcels <br />visible from the freeway to more intensive, more desirable,, and better tax <br />producing development. We s119(1ec;t that the property that will ultimately <br />