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No.: ITEM DESCRIPTION' Flonal Adoption of Roseville M GR. REVI EWED / RECOM ME NDS' <br />4- NOR Comprehens ive Pl an <br />The process of updating,,the'Comprehe'dsi ve Plan. b-ega.h-. in 9776 After many months <br />of deliberation by the-Planning Commi'ssion 'and Council .,-,-:the' '-p-lah- was forwarded -to <br />the Metropolitan Council for their " review. The Metropolitan Council approved the <br />plan at its September 11, 1980, meet'ing and can now be formally adopted by the CityQ <br />The three parts of the plan (Research & Analysis,, Land Use Plan and Capital <br />Improvements Plan-) were provided to the Council last week. After adoption by <br />the Council, the plan will be printed in final copy and the multi colored compre- <br />hensive plan map will be prepared'. <br />There is one error in the plan that needs to be corrected before final printing. <br />Figures 2 and 3 in the Part II Land Use Plan show the newly improved Skillman Avenu <br />crossing Snelling Avenue and tying into the service road on the west side of Har Ma <br />Mall. This should be deleted from the maps. I <br />Council Action Requested: Motion adopting the Roseville Comprehensive Plan <br />consisting of Research & Analysis, Land Use Plan <br />and Capital Improvements Plan with the conditior <br />that Figbres 2 and 3 in the Land Use Plan be <br />revised by deleting the extension of Skillman <br />Avenue westerly across Snelling Avenue. <br />