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MEETING 10/25/8) <br />REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION DATE:,- <br />AGENDA SECTION'. ORIGiNATING DEPT./DIV.. DEPT. HEAD APPROVAL. <br />Reports & Recon-m- endations Adninistration <br />11 r-M NO. ITEM DESCRIPTION!' Proposed 1983 - 1987 Canital Irvrovement <br />MOR".,REVIEWED / RECOM MENDS' <br />Program 1\1 <br />0 <br />It 'is recop-mended that the proposed Capital Inp-rovement ftogram- be continued untll <br />the November 22nd meeting. This will provide an opportunity to incorporate the <br />Tax Increment Financing District plans into the Capital IrwToven.ents Progran, <br />Council Action Requested: Motion continui-ng consideration of the -n-roposed 1983 - 1987 <br />Capital In.pTovem-ent Program to the November 22, 1982 Council <br />meeting,, <br />