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3 November 1982 <br />PLANNING REPORT <br />CASE NUMBER: 1404 -82 and 1405 -82 <br />APPLICANT: Roseville Properties <br />LOCATION: North of County Road B -2, East of <br />r <br />Cleveland Avenue <br />ACTION REQUESTED * variance to Front Yard Setback <br />PLANNING CONSIDERATIONS: <br />1, Planning File 1404 relates to an of fice- warehoup e building at 1995 count <br />Road B -2. Planning File 1405 relates to a similar building at 1955 Count <br />Road B -2* Attached is a reduced copy of a survey indicating the location <br />of these structures on their respective lots. Though four buildings are <br />shown on the survey, the properties in question are the second from the <br />west, and the one-on the far. east side. <br />2. When county Road B -2 was constructed f an gO foot right -of -way was dedicated <br />rather than the normal 60 foot for a typical roadway. As a concession to <br />this additional dedication, the buildings were allowed to be constructed <br />30 feet from the right -of -way rather than the required 40 foot setback <br />required in the industrial district. No variance was issued at that time <br />which makes the building non-conforming. Thus if the buildings are to be <br />expanded, or substantially remodeled, a variance has to be applied for an <br />approved first before a building permit could be issued for such work <br />3. No expansion or change is proposed at this time in the structure, The owner, <br />oweverr having run into this situation with respect to his recent expansion <br />in remodeling of the Belk. Telephone building (considered two months ago), <br />desires to correct this non- conforming condition at this time-, w <br />4. The Comprehensive Flan anticipates the ultimate conversion of this area of <br />the -City to business oriented purposes. All of' the business districts in <br />Roseville (except the Shopping Center District) require a 30 foot front yard <br />setback. Thus, the variance proposed is in keeping with the ultimate <br />standards which may be applied to these structures, The owner understands <br />and anticipates too that over an extended period of time as land values rise <br />that the redevelopment of this area at some point in time would be for more <br />intensive business uses* <br />