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M <br />c <br />3 November 1982 <br />PLANNING REPORT <br />CASE NUMBER: 1407-82 <br />APPLICANT: Olive Bailey <br />C <br />CATION: Northwest corner of County Road B and <br />Fulham <br />ACTION REQUESTED: Division of a Lot <br />PLANNING CONSIDERATIONS: <br />If you will refer to the copy of the portion of, the section map that covers <br />is area of the city, you will notice that the property in question i8 the <br />easterly 85 feet of Lots 9 and 10, between St. Stephens 'Street and Fulham <br />Street, north of County Road B. This 85 feet was split off some gears ago <br />and a home was constructed on the northerly portion of this 85 foot aide lot. <br />Attached is a copy of the air photo of this area of City with the lot lines <br />drawn on showing this r el a tion sh;lp . <br />Lot g, you will notice, was originally platted at 129 feet. This lot line <br />was changed so as to produce a 100 foot lot on the north side of Lot g, <br />with the remaining 29 feet being attached to the corner lot (northeast <br />corner of St. Stephens and County Road B) . This property is now owned by <br />the Evers family who recently split off the other lots. This corner lot <br />remaining is now 158 feet by 185 feet, <br />2, Mary Lou Evers has contacted the staff since the proposal to split off the <br />Bailey property, and indicates that she now washes tl divide the remainder <br />of her lot as well. This will likely result in an east -west lot split, <br />leaving a lot for their existing dome and producing a new buildable lot on <br />the corner. It appears that this corner lot might have approximately <br />83 to 85 feet as well. Mrs. Evers indicated that she did not object to <br />the Bailey's proposal, if she can divide her lot as well. <br />3. The lot area of the property in-question would be 85 feet by 129 feet which <br />equals 10, 965 square feet. The normal lot standard for corner lots is <br />100 feet-of frontage, and 12F500 square feet of land, <br />Most of the lots in the area are, of course, larger than the lots proposed. <br />One block west there i s a coaxer lot of go by 129 feet. Further north on <br />St. Croix, there 'are lots 70 feet, 75 feet,, and 136 feet <br />It seems that the alternative here is to simply leave all the lots as they <br />area, with substantial unuseable space, or approve the lot divisions + <br /> 'ely as proposed <br />4e 'though this area of the City was .initially developed with substantially <br />larger lots than the standard required, over the years landowners have <br />gradually-come forward with proposals for division. We suspect this trend <br />will c0ntInue as available building sites diminish and the lot values <br />escalate <br />