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Minutes <br />Council Meeting - October 25, 1982 <br />.2� <br />E-4 Curley Moved,, Johnson Seconded, that consideration of the CAPITAL <br />proposed 1983-1987 Capital Improvement Program be continued IMPROVEMENT <br />to the November 22., 1982 Council meeting. Roll Call, Ayes: PROGRAM <br />Johnson., Curley, Kehr, and DemLs. Nays: None, <br />E-5 Kehr Moved, Johnson Seconded, that Resolution No, 7439 RESOLUTION <br />reapportioning assessments and cancelling portion taken 7439 <br />by City for Open Space and Park on Division No, 57655, be <br />adopted, Roll Call, Ayes: Johnson, CUTley, Kehr, and <br />Demos. Nays: None, <br />Kehr Moved, Johnson Seconded., that Resolution No. 7440 RESOLUTION <br />abating all assessments for paTcel in Division No. 57561, 7440 <br />be adopted. Roll Call., Ayes: Johnson, Curley, Kehr, and <br />Demos, Nays: None, <br />K'ehr Moved, Johnson Seconded., that Resolution No. 7441 RESOLUTION <br />for aDportionment of assessmefrts -on id division 7441 <br />of propeTties in Division No. 57472, be adopted, Roll <br />Call, Ayes: Johnson, Curley, Kehr, and Demos. Nays: None. <br />E-6 Kehr Moved, Johnson Seconded, that the following licenses LICENSES <br />be approved: <br />Sinclair Marketing, Inc <br />Snelling <br />Gas Station I <br />L. Gudmmsen Constructi <br />1 <br />1410 Coon Rapids, Blvd. <br />Coon Rapids, M 55433 <br />Superior Epoxy Products, Inc. <br />1955 County Road B-2 <br />Roseville., MN 55113 <br />• <br />Roll Call, Ayes: Johnson, Curley, ehr, and Demos, Nays: <br />None. <br />