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CaUTOnly Used e` .s and Definitions <br />ltdinance A 1w enacted by the mmucipal gaverning bc&,P.l <br />ffin-solution Fbrmal declaration of a specific action pertaining to a specific set o <br />�-ws. <br />lRezon.30-ng Change in the zoning classification of a parcel of land requiring public <br />hearing before the Plann='g CarmissJ"-on and Council. (Council app <br />0 <br />requixes 4/5 Trajora'Lty) <br />Building Permit issued by the City allowing the recepient to cmstruct or ramdel. <br />PeMit a structure which conforrs with the code. <br />Spiecial Use Tand use allowed in a particular zoning classification but requiring a <br />Permit which may be issued after public hearings before the Planning <br />Comnission and the Council., <br />Divisian Th divide a paroel of land into two loO <br />of LA& i <br />Subdivision To divide a parcel of land into three or mre lots,, <br />Vacation of Process of releasing land which was previously dedicated to the City f0i <br />Right-of-way use as a roadway. <br />Ea ement A parcel of land upm which the City or individual has cbtained the legal <br />right to neintain or operate a specific facility. <br />ff rl 4 <br />Tentative map or plan of a proposed subdivision showing legal boundaries, <br />[!Ilat rights-of-way, utilities, easements, layout of street, water courses and <br />other features . <br />its sidbnoe Districts <br />R-1 Single Family <br />R- 2 TWo fami ly <br />R-3 thru R-7 btiltiple Fanxily <br />