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5 March 19 80 <br />PLANNING REPORT <br />CASE NUMBER: 1245_80 <br />APPLICANT: Antler Corporation <br />LOCATION: Southwest corner of Rice Street and <br />Elmer Street <br />ACTION REQUESTED: Variance to Sidewalk Requirement <br />PLANNING CONSIDERATIONS <br />1. Antler Corporation is going to build a building for the American Dairy <br />Association on a 1.26 acre site overlooking Rice Streeto south of Elmer. <br />The building will be constructed of brick with two floors of 5f goo <br />square feet each above ground and a partially exposed basement at the <br />loner level. Thus, the total building area will be 15,000 square feet <br />for which 76 parking spaces are provided ( 7 5 required). <br />2. There are no storm sewers in place on Elmer Street or Rice Street. There <br />exists a ditch section carrying the water easterly on Elmer and south on <br />the west side of Rice Street. <br />Until such time as a storm sewer is constructed and the ditch section <br />filled, it weld be impractical to construct a sidewalk on the right-of-way <br />contiguous to the property on Rice Street or Elmer Street. The applicant <br />is therefore requesting that they not be required to build a sidewalk or <br />pay for it in the future* This case is similar to that of the Victoria <br />Street Station site wherein the property was contiguous to a ditch section <br />on the frontage roads along Highway 36 and Interstate 35W. In that case, <br />the city did not require the construction of the sidewalk at this time <br />but, did require funds deposited in escrow on the part of the applicant <br />to allow for construction in the future. Thus, in that case, funds to <br />construct the sidewalk were deposited at a rate of $10.00 per lineal foot. <br />Hopefully, these funds deposited in the City's account will increase with <br />interest over time so as to account for an increase in construction costs <br />due to inflation. <br />3. The applicant is aware of this procedure having been utilized in other <br />cases, and that this solution might well be applied to their request. In <br />any case, a requirement of funds deposited in escrow (in 11ei] of <br />construction ) mamay be considered consistent and fair. <br />
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